Daedalus and Icarus Brennan Shacklett
Daedalus in Athens ● Famous inventor and architect ● His nephew, Talus, was assistant ● Grew jealous and pushed Talus off Acropolis
Daedalus in Crete ● Banished to Crete ● Created Labyrinth for King Minos to hold Minotaur ● Labyrinth difficult for even Daedalus to leave ● Theseus defeated Minotaur
Daedalus and Icarus ● Minos imprisoned Daedalus and Icarus ● Daedalus made wings to escape ● Icarus ignores warnings and drowns
Daedalus in Sicily ● Daedalus flew to Sicily ● Given refuge by King Cocalus ● King Minos pursued, but defeated