Monsters on Parade Greek Monsters
Why do you think people are interested in the different, the odd, the out-of –the- ordinary? Why do you think people are interested in the different, the odd, the out-of –the- ordinary? Why do you think so many fairy tales are filled with giants or little people, or monstrous beasts? Why do you think so many fairy tales are filled with giants or little people, or monstrous beasts?
Argus Argus was famous in legend for having many eyes. With his multiple sets of eyes, he could see nearly everything in his vicinity. And indeed, with his keen vision, Argus was regarded as an almost perfect mythological guard creature. Argus was famous in legend for having many eyes. With his multiple sets of eyes, he could see nearly everything in his vicinity. And indeed, with his keen vision, Argus was regarded as an almost perfect mythological guard creature.
Cyclops Cyclops were giants with only one eye in their forehead and the children of the earth, Gaea. They ate humans, were thick and gave Zeus the thunder and lightning as a sign of gratitude when he released them from the underworld. Cyclops were giants with only one eye in their forehead and the children of the earth, Gaea. They ate humans, were thick and gave Zeus the thunder and lightning as a sign of gratitude when he released them from the underworld. They are closely associated with the hero Odysseus. They are closely associated with the hero Odysseus.
Centaurs The centaur is (of course) a mythological creature. Its head, arms, and chest are those of a human and the rest of its body, including four legs, hindquarters, and a tail is like that of a horse. The centaur is (of course) a mythological creature. Its head, arms, and chest are those of a human and the rest of its body, including four legs, hindquarters, and a tail is like that of a horse.
Centaurs One of the most famous centaurs was Chiron. He was known for his virtue and wisdom as the tutor to Achilles and many other heroes. One of the most famous centaurs was Chiron. He was known for his virtue and wisdom as the tutor to Achilles and many other heroes.
Sileni The Sileni were creatures part man and part horse. The difference between these and Centaurs was they walked on two legs instead of four. The Sileni were creatures part man and part horse. The difference between these and Centaurs was they walked on two legs instead of four. There are no stories of them, though they are often seen on Greek vases. There are no stories of them, though they are often seen on Greek vases.
Satyr Satyrs, like Pan, were goat-men. Satyrs, like Pan, were goat-men.
The Erinyes (The Furies)
The Erinyes cont… In Greek mythology the Erinyes or Eumenides (the Romans called them the Furies) were female personifications of vengeance. They were usually said to have been born from the blood of Uranus when Cronus castrated him. In Greek mythology the Erinyes or Eumenides (the Romans called them the Furies) were female personifications of vengeance. They were usually said to have been born from the blood of Uranus when Cronus castrated him. But for the most part they were understood as the persecutors of mortal men and women who broke "natural" laws. In particular, those who broke ties of kinship through patricide, murdering a brother (Fratricide), or other such familial killings brought special attention from the Erinyes. But for the most part they were understood as the persecutors of mortal men and women who broke "natural" laws. In particular, those who broke ties of kinship through patricide, murdering a brother (Fratricide), or other such familial killings brought special attention from the Erinyes.
The Gorgons (Medusa) The Gorgons, three in number, were the daughters of Phorcys and Ceto. They were hideous beyond belief. The Gorgons, three in number, were the daughters of Phorcys and Ceto. They were hideous beyond belief. Stheno and Euryale were immortal only Medusa was mortal. Horrible even in hell, to see them was to be turned to stone. Stheno and Euryale were immortal only Medusa was mortal. Horrible even in hell, to see them was to be turned to stone. Medusa was associated with the hero Peresus. Medusa was associated with the hero Peresus.
The Graiae (Old ones) The Graiae were grey-haired women who protected the Gorgons, whom they equaled in ugliness. They were also three in number: Pephredo, (alarm) Enyo (horror) and Deino. (dread) The Graiae were grey-haired women who protected the Gorgons, whom they equaled in ugliness. They were also three in number: Pephredo, (alarm) Enyo (horror) and Deino. (dread) Born grey, they possessed only one eye and one tooth between them, which they constantly passed to one another. Born grey, they possessed only one eye and one tooth between them, which they constantly passed to one another.
Harpies Harpies were birds with serpent tails who snatched the food from Phineus. Harpies were birds with serpent tails who snatched the food from Phineus. They appear in the hero Jason’s story and in Aeneas’ journey. They appear in the hero Jason’s story and in Aeneas’ journey.
Scylla Do you remember the story of Scylla? Do you remember the story of Scylla? She was a beautiful woman transformed by the evil sorceress Circe into a monster with serpents and dogs’ heads growing from her body. She was a beautiful woman transformed by the evil sorceress Circe into a monster with serpents and dogs’ heads growing from her body.
Charybdis Charybdis was originally a naiad, sea-nymph who flooded the land to enlarge her father's (Poseidon) underwater kingdom, until Zeus turned her into a monster. Charybdis was originally a naiad, sea-nymph who flooded the land to enlarge her father's (Poseidon) underwater kingdom, until Zeus turned her into a monster. Like Scylla, she (it) is associated with most of the heroes. Like Scylla, she (it) is associated with most of the heroes.
The Sirens The Sirens were creatures with the head of a female and the body of a bird. The Sirens were creatures with the head of a female and the body of a bird.
Chimaera The Chimaera had the head and body of a lion, legs of a goat, and had a snake instead of a tail. The Chimaera had the head and body of a lion, legs of a goat, and had a snake instead of a tail. This Monster was associated with the hero Bellerophon. This Monster was associated with the hero Bellerophon.
The Minotaur The minotaur was half human and half bull, the offspring of Minos’s wife Pasiphae and a bull. The minotaur was half human and half bull, the offspring of Minos’s wife Pasiphae and a bull. He was placed in the Labyrinth that Daedalus built to hold him. He was placed in the Labyrinth that Daedalus built to hold him. Associated with he hero Theseus. Associated with he hero Theseus.
The Hydra The Hydra had the body of a serpent and nine heads. If any of the heads were severed, another would grow in its place (in some versions two would grow). The Hydra had the body of a serpent and nine heads. If any of the heads were severed, another would grow in its place (in some versions two would grow). This monster is associate with the many labors of hero Hercules. This monster is associate with the many labors of hero Hercules.
Cerberus This three headed dog was the guardian of the Greek Underworld, Hades. This three headed dog was the guardian of the Greek Underworld, Hades. He was also associated with the hero Hercules. He was also associated with the hero Hercules.
Question? How many monsters are connected with Heroes? Why? How many monsters are connected with Heroes? Why?