Yevgeniya Averhed Project manager Empowerment kit for Immigrant women with low educational / working experience Grundtvig project 1/10/2010 – 30/09/2012 2nd transnational meeting in Prague May 2011 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Agenda for 19 and 20 May 2011 Welcome and short presentations EM-kit project progress: - EM-kit research results - EM-kit content and layout Implementation of WPs 2/4/5: - What is done? - Next steps Financial issues of the project 19 May: 20 May:
The initial idea of the product and research results Informational Modules Support documentation for trainers / mentors Individual Action Plan Motivational Modules
5 4 Paid work / self-employment Voluntary work Social contacts outside The house and Liberal Adult Education Paid work with support Participation in organised Activities / vocational Education Isolated – “ice-breaking” Result 1 Result 3 Result 4 Result 5 Individual plan Coach (PES) Result 2 The draft of EM-kit
LEVEL 1GOOD PRACTICES Isolated SWEDENSPAINCHECK REPUBLIC CYPRUSSWITZE R-LAND Study circles for immigrant women (prob. level 2!!!!) We learn together as women Using translators to reach isolated immigrants Sundays Food Gathering ?
The draft of EM-kit LEVEL 2GOOD PRACTICES Social contacts outside the house SWEDENSPAINCHECK REPUBLIC CYPRUSSWITZER- LAND Immigrant women in isolation From host to welcome We live in one city DIGEMTraining Learning to learn
The draft of EM-kit LEVEL 3GOOD PRACTICES Participation in organized activities SWEDE N SPAINCHECK REPUBLIC CYPRUSSWITZ ERLA ND Fru Bryttmar AB Active Domestic Service Association Work is open for everybody Computer training for refugees and people with subsidiary protection Learning Greek for Refugees Voie F
The draft of EM-kit LEVEL 4 GOOD PRACTICES Unpaid work SWEDENSPAINCHECK REPUBLIC CYPRUSSWITZE RLAND Spanga Blaband and Social Enterprise Bla Vagen Pathways to integration with families from suburbs to areas of depopulation The life of others Secretarial Skills for Unemploye d and Financially Inactive Women
The draft of EM-kit LEVEL 5GOOD PRACTICES Paid work with support SWEDENSPAINCHECK REPUBLIC CYPRUSSWITZ ERLAN D C Företaget Operational Programme for Socio- working Integration for immigrants Individual employme nt support Work placement with on the job coaching
The draft of EM-kit LEVEL 6GOOD PRACTICES Paid work SWEDENSPAINCHECK REPUBLIC CYPRUSSWITZER- LAND Ela Integra Project (prob level 5!!)
Implementation of WPs 2/4/5 Design of EM-kit Continuous Dissemination Exploitation WP 2 WP 4WP 5
WP 2: Design of EM-kit WP leader: MMC (main task – development and maintenance of project web-site) Activities: 1.Country research 2.Common report 3.Draft of motivational / informational modules 4.Develop instructions / support documents 5.Training for trainers in Spain
WP4: Dissemination WP leader: DOCUMENTA (main task – dissemination material, strategy and follow-up) Activities by each partner: 1.Organise 2 workshops for stakeholders (initial / final) 2.Participate in 3 conferences 3.Publish 3 articles 4.Place information on web-sites of partner organisations and relevant stakeholders 5.Dissemination material 6.Final dissemination conference
WP 5: Exploitation WP leader: Dimitra (main task – exploitation strategy and follow-up) Activities: 1.Two regional exploitation workshops (initial / final) 2.Engagement of stakeholders in development / test 3.Placement of information on EM-kit on web-sites of partner organisations with interlinking to the web-sites of stakeholders 4.Inclusion of EM-kit into the training programmes of adult education providers as ice-breaking activity
Thank you for your attention!! And finally…