+ De-escalation and Restraint Dr. Jodi Roseman Director of Special Education
+ Think Back… To an interaction that you or another staff member had with a student that escalated into a confrontation or “meltdown” Was the outcome of that interaction what you expected? How did you feel about the outcome? What would you do differently to have a better outcome?
+ Behavior Appropriate Inappropriate
+ Principals of Behavior There are two components of behavior Form- Description of the behavior Function- Why is the behavior occurring? (to access something or the avoid something)
+ Principals of Behavior IsNot Running in the hall wayBad attitude CursingDisrespectful Calling out in classDisruptive On or off taskLazy Behaviors need to be observable and measurable
+ A-B-C of Behavior Antecedent- What occurs before the behavior Behavior – Observable, measurable act of the individual Consequence- Positive or negative reinforcers
+ Principals of Behavior Behavior serves a function To gainTo avoid Attention Objects Activities
+ Principals of Behavior Antecedent- Activity Adult(s) Peers Demand or request Location
+ Principals of Behavior Consequence Any event that follows the behavior and influences the future occurrence of the behavior Positive reinforcer or reward encourages, increases or maintains the behavior Negative reinforcer or punishment is designed to decrease or extinguish the behavior
+ Positive Behavior Support Plans A Positive Behavior Support System is used to understand what maintains an individual's challenging behavior. People’s inappropriate behaviors are difficult to change because they are functional. They serve a purpose for them. Is based on data from a Functional Behavioral Assessment or Analysis
+ Positive Behavior Support Plans Includes baseline data on undesired behavior Identifies replacement behaviors Includes positive specially designed instruction and supports Implemented by classroom teachers, paraprofessionals, and other school based staff Requires progress monitoring data collection
+ Positive Behavior Support Plans A list of de-escalation strategies that have been proven to work with the student should be included in the Positive Behavior Support Plan and in the Specially Designed Instruction section of the IEP
+ De-escalation of Behavior Teacher Paraprofessional staff Counselors and other staff Security, Police (last resort)
+ De-escalation of Behavior Help the student to identify their feelings of agitation Show empathy Avoiding power struggles Don’t show reactive behaviors If needed, use evacuation of classroom
+ De-escalation and Restraints The special education regulations, 22 Pa. Code Chapter 14 and Chapter 711 were amended and became effective in The new provisions in 22 Pa. Code Chapter and Chapter require that behavior support programs and plans be based on a functional assessment of behavior. Restraints are only to be considered as a measure of last resort, only after other less restrictive measures have been used. The use of prone restraints is prohibited in PA educational settings. Prone restraints are those in which a student or eligible young child is held face down on the floor.
+ Restraint The application of physical force with or without the use of any device, for the purpose of restraining the free movement of a student’s or eligible young child’s body.
+ Restraint May only be used to control of episodic aggressive or self injurious behavior. The child must present as being a clear and present danger to himself or others
+ Required IEP Meeting The use of restraints to control the aggressive behavior of a student with an IEP shall cause the school entity to notify the parent of the use of the restraint and shall cause a meeting of the IEP team within 10 school days of the inappropriate behavior.
+ Restraint Reporting Restraint needs to be reported to PDE via the web-based system, Restraint Information System Collection (RISC) The Special Education office needs to be notified of all restraints immediately via
+ Restraint Reporting Each time a restraint is entered into the RISC, the Bureau of Special Education (BSE) staff will be notified. Quarterly reports for will be provided to the Bureau Director and the Special Education Advisor
+ Questions???