RISK ASSESSMENT When a hazard is identified then a risk assessment must be made to see if the hazard can be eliminated or controlled A risk may be identified by an WHS committee or by an individual who reports the hazard A hazard report form should be filled in 2
CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PROCESS 3 Step 1 Identify hazards Step 2 Assess risk Step 3 Eliminate or implement controls Step 4 Monitor Step 5 Evaluate
TYPES OF HAZARDS Physical Chemical Biological Mechanical/electrical Psychological 4
PERSONAL SAFETY WHO describes workplace violence as: “Behaviour that humiliates, degrades or injures the wellbeing of the worker” The employer has a responsibility to provide a workplace that is free from violence and feels safe for the worker 5
TYPES OF VIOLENCE Verbal or written abuse Discrimination Physical abuse or sexual assault Malicious damage to property 6
COPING WITH A VIOLENT CLIENT Causes of violence in patients can include Dementia Brain injury Metabolic problems Know their current risk assessment Identify triggers that causes violent outbursts e.g. confusion, feeling threatened Plan for safety, avoid being alone 7
STRESS Stress is a state of mental or emotional tension that results from physical, emotional or chemical causes Stress can occur in the home or the workplace and affect one another 8
STRESS MANAGEMENT Three steps Identify stressors Make a decision on how to deal with it Take action Stress can be managed better with adequate sleep, good diet and exercise 9
HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES WHS legislation requires that employees are informed about: Hazardous substances that are being used What effects they can have on health What should be done to prevent or minimise exposure to hazardous substances 10
HANDLING CHEMICALS Must be stored in a secure place in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations No spills, damaged stock or expired stock to be kept in storage area Use PPE as required Ensure all labels from the manufacturer are easy to read 11
SLIPS, TRIPS AND FALLS Constitute a significant injury for workers in aged care services. These include: Slippery floors e.g. wet bathroom floors, spilt drinks Uneven surfaces Falling from ladders and chairs Poor lighting Improper use of mobility aids 12
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Aged care facilities must have a risk management plan in place in case of an emergency situation. It will include: Procedures to be followed Location of fire equipment and emergency exits Diagram of building with exits 13
Location and instructions for all fire detection systems and fire alarms Instructions on how to evacuate frail and immobile residents Provide training drills for workers 14
WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE INJURED Fill in an accident/incident form See the doctor if necessary Let your workplace know what is happening 15