Purpose : To learn a few facts about each planet in our solar system. Objective : To become familiar with the planets in our solar system. Each student should be able to recognize and retain some information on each of the planets using this PowerPoint and also with additional worksheets planned.
3 rd Grade Science Let’s learn about the planets !!!
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. It can have extreme temperatures – The surface that faces the sun can reach 800 degrees Fahrenheit !! The surface that faces away from the sun can fall to -300 degrees Fahrenheit. Mercury has no atmosphere and so has hardly any air at all !!
Venus is a lot like earth – it is almost identical in size, chemistry, gravity and density. It has volcanoes, mountains and sand just like earth. BUT Venus is too hot for anyone to be able to live there.
The earth is made up of 30% land and 70% water. It’s just right to keep us alive!! We have one moon named Luna.
The surface of Mars is red !! All of its dirt and rocks are red. Mar’s temperature is the most like earth’s.
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Earth could fit inside Jupiter 1,000 times !! It is a “stormy” planet – with lots of storms.
Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system. It has 7 rings that go around it !!
Uranus is unusual because it spins on its side. It is also believed that there is a huge ocean on Uranus that may be as hot as 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Neptune is the 8 th planet from the sun. It is the “windiest” planet and winds are believed to have reached 1,200 miles per hour !!
Pluto is the smallest planet. It is so small some scientists don’t even think it should be called a planet.
Venus is a lot like earth in its atmosphere. But we still couldn’t live there. Why not ?? It’s too hot. It’s too cold. It’s too windy. It’s too red.
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What unusual color is the surface of Mars?? Blue Red Black White
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What makes Neptune’s atmosphere so different from other planets?? It is very sunny. It is very snowy. It is very windy. It is very rocky.
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Great Work !!!!!!!
Great links to learn more… Kids Astronomy Enchanted Learning