WORKPLACE CONFLICTS Produced by: Ken Cheng, Chaya Merrell, Nick Smith, & Andy Wislock
Workplace Conflict What is it? ◦ Disagreements and differences of opinion ◦ Decrease in productivity and efficiency
Causes Personality differences Differing values or interests Clashing of style or cultures Personal problems: ◦ Substance abuse ◦ Childcare issues ◦ Family problems
Causes (continued) Organizational factors: ◦ Leadership ◦ Management ◦ Budget ◦ Disagreement about core values ◦ Poor communication ◦ Scarce resources ◦ Poor performance
Types of Workplace Conflict The Three Beakers of Conflict by View it on YouTube
How Workplace Conflict Affects You and Others Affects work lives Affects personal lives Individuals experiencing workplace conflict may feel: ◦ Stressed ◦ Anxious ◦ Angry ◦ Depressed
Signs of Workplace Conflict Negative attitudes Frequent, unresolved misunderstandings and arguments occur Morale is low People do not like coming to work People feel that they are not making a contribution at work People feel that they are underappreciated People are cautious Rumors are started about others at the workplace Tension is high
Consequences Unresolved conflict in the workplace has been linked to: ◦ Miscommunication resulting from confusion ◦ Refusal to cooperate ◦ Quality problems ◦ Missed timelines or delays ◦ Increased level of stress among employees ◦ Reduced creative collaboration and team problem solving ◦ Disruption to workflow ◦ Decreased customer satisfaction
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