What is in our solar system?
What is the difference between a solar system, a galaxy and the Universe? A solar system is a star and all the objects that orbit it. A galaxy is billions of stars. The Universe is everything.
Is our Solar System just the Sun, planets and moons? Solar System movie: m/ m/
There is more to our solar system than just planets and moons. We will observe some of these objects today. Just as Galileo observed Jupiter and it’s moons with a telescope, scientists today continue to actively explore our solar system using more advanced telescopes and space probes. We will look at 36 objects observed in our solar system that scientists have discovered. PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH THESE CARDS TAKING CARE NOT TO LOSE, RIP, BEND OR DESTROY THEM. ALSO, PLEASE KEEP YOUR SET TOGETHER AND NOT MIXED. THE BAGS ARE LABELED BY TABLE.
These cards have limited information. Picture Size How the image was obtained. This is on purpose. Your group needs to explore without a lot of knowledge to draw your own conclusions. All of these images show what can be seen with a telescope of the human eye. Some images are in black and white. Others are blurry/fuzzy and that was the best image available at the time the cards were made. You now have a few minutes with your group to look through your cards.
Randomly divide the cards at your table so each person has 6-10 cards. You will divide your cards into groups on your own. You may have as many groups as you think you need. The only rule is that you must have a reason for why you placed the card where you did. Each card in each group should have something in common with the other cards in that group. When you are done, the other members of your group will look at your sort to try to determine why you placed them where you did. After that, you may reveal your sorting rules.
Lets look at the sorts of different teams. A category is a group of things or objects that have something in common with one another. Even though all the teams had the same cards, the sorts were different. Some cards fit into more than one category.
Some of you tried to sort your cards based on what you THOUGHT they were. However, we can not do this until we have more information. We will get more information in future classes. The cards we were looking at today represent a small portion of objects in the Solar System.