Responses to the student’s evaluation
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department
The surveyed students were reasonably satisfied with the course overall, for example they gave 4.66/5 for the lecturer performance, which is quite high. On the other hand, students seem not very convinced of the importance of the course and/or its relevance for their future carrier. Thus it is advised to contextualize the content to a higher degree. Students did not like practical part; regarding the practical part; many repeated experiments will be removed. In the new syllabus the practical sessions will be used for tutorials, this is because students will not be able to use the instruments as they are so sensitive (IR, HPLC, GC, and NMR). Students did not like instrument components and how do they work; in the new syllabus there will be no subject discuss instrument components such as; detector, injector, etc. There was little time for spectroscopy (NMR & IR); In the next meeting of pharmaceutical analytical chemistry course a new subject’s outline will be considered, and suitable number of lectures will be allocated to spectroscopy subject. Organic Chemistry II (Dr. Ziad Omran) Analytical Chemistry (Dr. Mohamed Al Arjah)
Some of the actions that are recommended for improving teaching as a result of students evaluation results: – Application of critical thinking – Researcher competency should be developed – More application of critical thinking is required Some of the actions that are recommended for improving teaching as a result of students evaluation results: Application of more active learning Increase the number of text books. Increase motivation among students for learning. More critical thinking will be applied. There will be a digital library to overcome the problem of textbooks availability. Medicinal Chemistry II B Pharm (Dr. Nashwa Ibrahim) Medicinal Chemistry II Pharm D (Dr. Munjid Ibrahim)
The overall result in medicinal chemistry and quality control course survey is satisfactory for use, and there are no comments or bad feedback regarding the course delivery, contents or teaching staff. Medicinal Chemistry (Dr. Ahmad Gouda)
Clinical Pharmacy Department
Although the students were happy with Therapeutics II and Therapeutics V course content and tutor, however, changes in teaching and assessment methods have been planned to be implanted in the next course offering. The course content has also been reviewed for all of the courses to make it more “needs-based” and “outcomes- based”.
Pharmacology Department
The course content is already changed to include some items that will serve the competency. All detailed information about the course and its source of information are presented in the study guide. Active learning and case study are modern methods for teaching this year. Activities were changed to improve student skills and to measure the assigned competency of the course. Reduction of course contents Addition of some clinical cases Preparation of well organized handout that contain list of references Uploading of lectures on college portal Clinical pharmacology (B.Pharm- level 4) Basic & Clinical toxicology ( Pharm D, Level 4)
Reduction of course contents Addition of some clinical cases Reduction of course contents Addition of some clinical cases Preparation of well organized handout that contain list of references Uploading of lectures on college portal Pharmacology 2Basic & Clinical toxicology ( Pharm D, Level 4)
Pharmacognosy Department
An essential change was mandatory to improve the skills of thinking and problem solving. A general topic named collection, preparation and storage of medicinal plants was transferred into PBL Reconstruction of the lectures and removal of practical parts. Linking students with the market and concentration on the products in the market derived from natural sources. Encouragement of self- learning. Adopting new teaching strategies to improve students' skills as researcher, educator and communicator. Pharmacognosy IPharmacognosy 2
Reduction of course contents Addition of some clinical cases Addition of examples of herbs available in Saudi market Addition of 2 PBL Reduction of course contents Reduction of number of lectures into 10 instead of 13 Many chemical forms were deleted Uploading of lectures on college portal Use different tools of student assessment Addition of updated information Alternative MedicinePharmacognosy 3
More activities added: Role play with groups of students on CAM Group discussions about Herb drug interactions Video analysis on natural pesticides & plant tissue culture Oral presentations about evidence based herbal medicine Shortening and updating of course content by performing the following changes: Deleting the topic: Quality control and standardization of her bal drugs Shortening the topic: Toxic plants (one lecture Pharmacognosy 4
Pharmaceutics Department
Reduction of course contents in all courses. All courses are modified to be competency-based Inclusion of field trips in some courses e.g. Pharmaceutics 4 e.g. Industrial Pharmacy Use of different teaching strategies: lecturing, case study, active learning
Quality and Accreditation Unit