Ecosystems –A community of all the living organisms and their interactions with each other and the non-living things in the environment.


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Presentation transcript:

Ecosystems –A community of all the living organisms and their interactions with each other and the non-living things in the environment.

Non-Living Substances Abiotic substances are all the non-living substances that organisms depend on for survival. *water *soil *minerals

Producers Producers are organisms that use sunlight to make sugar. Producers produce, or make, food and oxygen for consumers. Producers are plants. Producers are on the bottom of the food chain.

Consumers Consumers are animals that eat producers or other consumers as a source of energy. Primary consumers eat producers. Secondary consumers eat other consumers.

Herbivores Herbivores are primary consumers. Herbivores eat only producers, or plants. Herbivores are prey to omnivores and carnivores.

Omnivores Omnivores are consumers that eat both producers and other consumers. Omnivores can be both predator and prey.

Carnivores Carnivores are consumers that eat other consumers. Carnivores are at the top of the food chain. Carnivores are predators.

Scavenger A scavenger is a consumer that eats dead animals

Decomposers Decomposers break down the bodies of dead plants and animals into minerals and nutrients. Decomposers put materials from dead plants and animals back into the air, soil, and water. Living plants need these materials to grow, and the cycle continues.

Food Chain A food chain is the flow of energy in a community. The sun is the source of energy in all food chains. Producers convert the sun’s energy into sugar through photosynthesis. Primary consumers get energy by eating the plants. Secondary consumers get energy by eating primary consumers.