Acids, Bases, & Salts
Acids Acid= any compound that increases the number of hydrogen ions (H + ) (H 3 O + )when dissolved in water Tastes sour Changes color of certain compounds pH of 0-6 Corrosive (destroy body tissue or clothing) Conduct electric current
Examples of acids: Orange juice Lemons Limes Acid rain Soft drinks (soda)
Strong VS Weak acids When all the molecules of an acid break apart= strong acid When few molecules of an acid break apart= weak acid
Base Base= any compound that increases the number of hydroxide ions (OH - )when dissolved in water Tastes bitter Slippery-Dissolves skin Change colors with certain compounds pH of 8-14 Conduct electric currents
Examples of Bases: Soap Ammonia Sea water Detergent
Strong VS Weak Bases When all the molecules of a base break apart= strong base When few molecules in a base break apart= weak base
Acids & Bases Neutralize One Another Antacid= weak base to help soothe an acidic stomach or heart burn Neutralize one another since H + and OH - form H 2 O which is water!!!!
How to detect an acid or base? Indicator= substance that changes color in the presence of an acid or base Example: litmus paper Blue litmus paper turns red for an acid Red litmus paper turns blue for a base
pH scale pH= measure of the hydronium ion (H 3 O + ) and hydrogen ion (H + )of a solution pH of an acid= less than 7 pH of a base= greater than 7 pH of neutral substances= 7
pH scale
Why is pH important? Living things depend on stable pH’s Fish like 7 Plants like 8-9 Pine trees like 4-6 Rainwater likes 3 or below
Salts Salt= ionic compound formed form the positive ion of a base and the negative ion of an acid
Why do we need salts? Salt for your food Rock salt Baking soda Plaster board Chalk Limestone Sea shells
Review Questions! 1. What ion is present in all acid solutions? 2. What are 2 ways scientists can measure pH? 3. What products are formed when an acid and base react? 4. Compare acids and bases. 5. What would you expect the pH of soap to be: 4 or 9?