doc.: IEEE g Submission March 2010 Tim Schmidl (Texas Instruments), Emmanuel Monnerie (Landis & Gyr), Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.), Rishi Mohindra (Maxim) Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [TBD resolutions and other updates for OFDM PHY] Date Submitted: [March 16, 2010] Source: [Tim Schmidl, Emmanuel Monnerie, Shusaku Shimada, Rishi Mohindra] Company: [Texas Instruments, Landis & Gyr, Yokogawa Co., Maxim] Address: [] Voice: [] ti. com, emmanuel. landisgyr. com, Re: [] Abstract: Fill in TBD values and other updates for the OFDM PHY. Purpose: Presented to the g SUN Task Group for review Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE g Submission March 2010 Tim Schmidl (Texas Instruments), Emmanuel Monnerie (Landis & Gyr), Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.), Rishi Mohindra (Maxim) Proposed Resolution of TBD Values (1) STF Power Boosting in Table 29f is set to 1.5 (= 3.52 dB) to enable preamble acquisition for low SNR MCS levels LTF Power Boosting in Table 29l is set to 1 (= 0 dB) 6.12b.4.1 Transmit PSD Mask: The OFDM transmit PSD mask shall conform with local regulations. 6.12b.4.2 Receiver minimum input level sensitivity: The packet error rate (PER) shall be less than 10% at a PSDU length of 250 bytes for rate-dependent input levels. The minimum input levels are measured at the antenna connector and are derived assuming a noise figure of 10 dB and an implementation margin of 3 dB. 6.12b.4.3 Adjacent channel rejection: The adjacent channel rejection shall be measured as follows: the desired signal shall be a compliant OFDM PHY signal of pseudo-random data and the adjacent channel interferer shall be a compliant OFDM PHY signal of pseudo- random data at a power level stronger than the desired signal as indicated in Table 1 for each MCS. The desired signal is input to the receiver at a level 3 dB above the maximum allowed receiver sensitivity given in 6.12b.4.2, and the packet error rate (PER) shall be less than 10% at a PSDU length of 250 bytes for rate-dependent input levels. 6.12b.4.4 Alternate adjacent channel rejection: The alternate adjacent channel rejection shall be measured as follows: the desired signal shall be a compliant OFDM PHY signal of pseudo-random data and the alternate adjacent channel interferer shall be a compliant OFDM PHY signal of pseudo-random data at a power level stronger than the desired signal as indicated in Table 1 for each MCS. The desired signal is input to the receiver at a level 3 dB above the maximum allowed receiver sensitivity given in 6.12b.4.2, and the packet error rate (PER) shall be less than 10% at a PSDU length of 250 bytes for rate-dependent input levels.
doc.: IEEE g Submission March 2010 Tim Schmidl (Texas Instruments), Emmanuel Monnerie (Landis & Gyr), Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.), Rishi Mohindra (Maxim) Proposed Resolution of TBD Values (2) MCSAdjacent Channel Rejection Alternate Adjacent Channel Rejection 013 dB29 dB 113 dB29 dB 210 dB26 dB 310 dB26 dB 410 dB26 dB 58 dB24 dB 68 dB24 dB 75 dB21 dB 81 dB17 dB Table 1: OFDM Adjacent and Alternate Adjacent Channel Rejection
doc.: IEEE g Submission March 2010 Tim Schmidl (Texas Instruments), Emmanuel Monnerie (Landis & Gyr), Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.), Rishi Mohindra (Maxim) PIB Attribute for Header MCS (1) Currently the header is mandated to use the lowest MCS supported for each Option. This means that for Options 2, 3, 4, and 5 the header is transmitted at 50 kbps, which takes 6 OFDM symbols or 720 us. Introducing a PIB attribute allows the network operator to transmit the header at a different MCS which will reduce the header overhead in each packet. For example, transmitting the header at 300 kbps will only require a header of 1 OFDM symbol or 120 us. Need to update Table 31 in PHY PIB attributes. There will be a PIB attribute in array form with 16 values with values 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 corresponding to Options 1 to 5, respectively, and with values 6 to 16 reserved. The second dimension corresponds to the MCS value to be used for the header with 0 indicating MCS0, 1 indicating MCS1, etc. An MCS value of 255 indicates that the header shall use the lowest MCS supported for that particular option.
doc.: IEEE g Submission March 2010 Tim Schmidl (Texas Instruments), Emmanuel Monnerie (Landis & Gyr), Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.), Rishi Mohindra (Maxim) PIB Attribute for Header MCS (2) Update Table 31 – PHY PIB attributes AttributeIdentifierTypeRangeDescription phyOFDMHeaderMCSArray An array sized by 16 elements Specifies the MCS that shall be used for transmitting the OFDM PHY header for each OFDM Option. A value of 255 indicates that the OFDM PHY header shall be transmitted using the lowest MCS in Table 75c for the OFDM Option being transmitted.
doc.: IEEE g Submission March 2010 Tim Schmidl (Texas Instruments), Emmanuel Monnerie (Landis & Gyr), Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.), Rishi Mohindra (Maxim) PIB Attribute for Header MCS (3) Page 29 Delete: The PHR shall be encoded at the lowest data rate supported for each bandwidth option. Page 42 Delete: It is encoded using the lowest data rate in each OFDM bandwidth option for robustness. Page 42 Delete: The PHY header occupies three OFDM symbols for Option 1 and six OFDM symbols for Options 2, 3, 4, and 5. The PHY header shall be transmitted using the lowest supported MCS level for the option being used a.3 The PHY Header (PHR) field consists of the Frame Length field and frame control bits. The PHY Header shall be encoded using the MCS indicated by the PHY PIB attribute for the OFDM Option being used, which is indicated by phyOFDMHeaderMCS.
doc.: IEEE g Submission March 2010 Tim Schmidl (Texas Instruments), Emmanuel Monnerie (Landis & Gyr), Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.), Rishi Mohindra (Maxim) Cyclic Prefix of 1/4 Symbol Cyclic prefix of 1/4 symbol eases FFT placement 6.12b.3.8 Cyclic prefix: A cyclic prefix shall be inserted before each OFDM symbol. The duration of the cyclic prefix shall be 1/4 of the useful part of the OFDM symbol (24 us). The cyclic prefix is a replication of the last part of the useful part of the OFDM symbol. Table 75c: Add tone spacing of and 2/3 Hz to the table. Also add symbol duration of 120 us including a cyclic prefix of 24 us.
doc.: IEEE g Submission March 2010 Tim Schmidl (Texas Instruments), Emmanuel Monnerie (Landis & Gyr), Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.), Rishi Mohindra (Maxim) Clarification of LTF Structure The CP LTF CP LTF structure will be clarified to match the following pattern: half symbol CP LTF LTF
doc.: IEEE g Submission March 2010 Tim Schmidl (Texas Instruments), Emmanuel Monnerie (Landis & Gyr), Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.), Rishi Mohindra (Maxim) Option 1 Bands OFDM Option 1 is mainly intended for use in TV white spaces and also in Korea.