OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers www.ascl.org.uk.


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Presentation transcript:

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers


OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers OUTLINE OF THE FIRST SESSION  Current position with changes to 2009 framework - this year  The Proposed Framework - The new headings - 27 to 4? What will be contained within each heading? Differencies? Is it a revision or a new framework? Your view? What issues are emerging about each area? What will happen to good and outstanding schools? What will happen to schools in categories?  How will inspectors operate?

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers Current position ( until January 2012) No change yet to the September 2009 framework However, since September 2009 there has been additional guidance to inspectors to help them make their judgements. Last update January 2011 (see website) Some change in judgements during the course of this framework because of guidance. Further training this September on inspecting SEND.

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers CHANGES TO DESCRIPTORS – Since September 2009 Pupils achievement and the extent to which they enjoy their learning – a crucial judgement - which continues. Inspectors make this judgement after making the judgements on attainment and learning and progress. Judgements should not be made solely on the basis of one year’s test and examination results. The judgement on attainment is made in relation to national standards and is judged in comparison to all schools. Inspectors should consider patterns in the attainment data over the last three years. They should also take into account evidence of pupils’ current performance.

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers Learning and progress in Ofsted’s words The overall judgement looks at the quality of learning, past progress and current progress The role of the classroom is clear “ The starting point … is the quality of learning experienced by pupils across the school” as seen in the classroom Do pupils fulfil their full potential through high quality teaching?

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers SEND training for Inspectors: September 2010 What inspectors were told Check out the school’s aspirations for SEND pupils. Do not use IEPs as sole or main source of evidence of progress as targets may not be challenging enough. Consider whether SEND pupils have enough opportunities for working independently in lessons. And if not, does this indicate a lack of expectation by teachers? ‘They do not always need (adult) help’. Are the pupils motivated? Using initiative/collaborating? Are lessons planned to offer enough opportunities?

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers How Inspectors operate the 2009 framework as a result The time spent in classrooms has doubled (this reflects the centrality of teaching & learning) and joint lesson observation is used far more. This will continue to be important. Areas of emphasis include:  “Push to raise the standards of every single student” so big focus on groups e.g. SEND,FSM. This will continue to be important.  New “Narrowing the gap” page in RAISE!

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers How Inspectors operate now There will be a particular focus on identifying the extent of any variation between different groups. Are they identified in school? In the classroom? Are the needs of such groups planned for? Inspection trails will pursue under-achieving groups: e.g. boys/girls; statemented and SEND; gifted and talented; particular ethnic groups; looked after children and other groups – can be short observations.

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers The “NEW” FRAMEWORK – what will it look like? From 27 headings down to 4 ( and overall effectiveness) These are:- Pupil achievement The quality of teaching Leadership and management The behaviour and safety of pupils It is stated that the new framework will make sure there is a better focus on the needs of all pupils including those with SEND.

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers So what does this all mean? Ofsted’s view Ofsted see this “new” framework as “coming out of the current framework” – a revision not a change. More obvious if you know 2009 Framework. Emphasis on the classroom increased, it is “at the heart”. Still emphasis on progress. Already gets more attention Importance of learning hasn’t gone. Quality of teaching will look at how it impacts on learning and outcomes (progress) Will look at how good learning behaviour is encouraged. Still emphasis on race, gender, SEND. No separate judgement on 6 th Form and Early Years FS

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers So is this all? There is a 5 th judgement. Overall effectiveness of the school based on the 4 judgements for achievement, teaching, behaviour and attitudes, leadership and management AND taking into account how well the school provides for the pupils’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development. Evidence to support this will be gathered from consideration of the 4 judgements. A lot under the 4!! But no CG&S, Wider community, Community Cohesion? No value for money or adoption of healthy lifestyles No on-line SEF

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers THE FIVE JUDGEMENTS What is contained in each of the 4 main headings? What are the similarites/differencies with the current framework for pupils’ achievement, teaching, leadership and management? What does the “new” heading of behaviour and safety look like? How is overall effectiveness determined? Is it a new framework or just a revision? What further details and issues have emerged from the pilot inspections?

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers PUPIL ACHIEVEMENT– “crucial in determining overall effectiveness”; what will this look like? Is it different? Will take account of but no separate judgements on Pupils attainment relating to national averages The quality of their learning and their rate of progress Differences in attainment between different groups e.g.SEN Standards of literacy- how they communicate, read& write Continue to take account of Test and examination results Evidence of rates of progress since joining the school - VA replaces CVA. Focus on narrowing the gaps. Directly observing pupils standard of work and learning

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers What are the emerging issues? Pupil progress to determine judgement for achievement How will progress be determined in the classroom and from data? N.B. End of CVA, move to VA. What about context? The role of key subjects and groups and what are they? The role of data on groups, new section in RAISE How will they assess standards re. Literacy? – In primaries = listening to pupils read and checking on their rates of progress and school’s evaluation of it and any external findings. In secondaries = any data presented by the school or external findings. Year 7 focus. Maths has sneaked in!

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers THE QUALITY OF TEACHING: “The quality of a school is largely reflected in the quality of its teaching” Is it different? We will concentrate more on direct observation of teaching and learning. Do teachers enthuse, engage and motivate pupils? Teaching is evaluated for its impact on learning. Good or outstanding teaching combines:- Strong subject knowledge and effective teaching skills (key) Good use of assessment, including in planning (key) Constructive dialogue and feedback Attention to learning needs of the individual including SEND High expectations and challenge for pupils Opportunities to develop and extend their learning

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers What are the emerging issues? Teaching is not judged on one off lessons but over time Students are asked directly about a lesson and the typicality of what was seen. What was the last lesson etc. Students work looked at to see sequence of teaching Views of parent about teaching given weight Inspectors are not meant to relate percentages to grades What will be the criteria for out standing teaching? How will the teaching of literacy be assessed? “every opportunity is taken to develop crucial skills such as reading across the curriculum”. Training for inspectors.

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT – is it different? We propose to retain the key considerations in judging leadership and management i.e. “leadership and management should focus strongly on improving the quality of teaching and learning and driving improvements in achievement”. Governors will also be expected to challenge the school and ensure it improves. Focus on key behaviours of leaders and managers in working with staff to promote improvement. And on key strategies, structures and approaches used.

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers We propose to judge the effectiveness of leadership and management by how well leaders and managers Demonstrate ambition for pupils and improvements in their achievement Improve teaching and learning Support and develop staff And how effectively the school is improving and has capacity for sustaining its improvement (not separate) Taking into account SSRE, curriculum, governance, safeguarding, equality of opportunity, promotion of confidence and engagement of parents, partnership working.

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers What are the emerging issues? No separate judgement for governance No separate judgement for capacity to improve What is meant by “support and develop staff “– this is about teaching and learning. How are L&M driving improvement in teaching? What CPD do they provide for individual staff as a result? Curriculum is about providing a broad, balanced curriculum which is appropriate and leads to good outcomes How is safeguarding inspected? The role of self-evaluation and approaches to overcoming barriers to learning.

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS – how is this judged now? We will continue to arrive at a judgement about the overall effectiveness of a school after judgements are made on: How well pupils achieve The quality of teaching Standards of behaviour and pupils’ attitudes Leadership and management of the school Taking into account:- How well school promotes SMSC development What are the “Leading Judgements” and how will SMSC be judges

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers BEHAVIOUR AND SAFETY: “Behaviour in lessons and around school will remain a key judgement” They say:- Stimulating teaching promotes good behaviour Pupils cannot learn where behaviour is poor and lessons are disrupted and if attendance and punctuality are poor Effective teaching promotes good social and moral behaviour Well – targeted support for individual pupils with challenging behaviour may be helpful The school should reinforce high expectations, underpinned by consistent policies Pupils should be protected from bullying and feel safe

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers JUDGING BEHAVIOUR AND SAFETY Previously judged under outcomes, not a separate judgement. Particular attention paid to:- Conduct in lessons, including attitudes to learning. Conduct around school. Attendance and punctuality at school and in lessons. Behaviour and attitudes to others. Respect for young people and adults. How well they are protected from bullying. Views of parents & carers - a lot of notice taken of these! What is behaviour typically like? Not just during inspection.

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers RISK ASSESSMENTS of good and outstanding schools Annual risk assessments of good and outstanding schools will be continued, 3 years after their previous inspection The sampling of a small percentage of good schools will continue Most outstanding schools will not be subject to routine inspection. Good schools will continue with a 5 year cycle Good and outstanding schools will still be inspected as part of Ofsted’s subject and thematic survey inspections Greater account will be taken of parents’ views Closer monitoring of satisfactory schools not making enough progress

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers SCHOOLS IN CATEGORIES Process to be speeded up for schools with Notice To Improve and in Special Measures For NTI - 3 months for monitoring visit, re-inspection in 6 months Will be able to exit category sooner or go into Special Measures Shorten time span for schools in Special Measures, bringing first visit forward and increasing frequency of visits SCHOOLS CAN REQUEST AN INSPECTION at a cost.

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers How Will Inspectors Operate- What the pilots have told us? Use of views of stakeholders - parents, students and staff. Questioning students. Focus on lesson observations and feedback to teachers. Look at data provided by the school. The phone call will start the process, relating to LI begins! The PIB is concise but a chance to influence it. Joint lesson observations. Presence at team meetings. Importance of working with Lead Inspector LI will produce a concise report containing 5 judgements

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers The Evaluation Schedule as used in the Pilot Inspections Consult the evaluation schedule used as draft for the pilots P. 4 – 6 guidance to inspectors on judging achievement. What are the obvious differences? What are the implications for L&M in schools? Look at the grade descriptors for achievement. What are the key words which define each one? Consult P. 8 - guidance to inspectors on judging teaching. Any obvious differences? What are the implications? Consult P. 2 - guidance to inspectors on judging L&M and P grade descriptors. Any differences? What are the implications?

OFSTED UPDATE – Hertfordshire Head teachers Using the Evaluation Schedule Consult P guidance for inspectors and P descriptors. What are the implications for schools? Consult P re. Guidance for judging Overall Effectiveness, in particular the SMSC descriptor and information about equalities. What are the implications for schools? Will your current Self- evaluation still be fit for purpose?