A Church What is this building called?
Christians People who go to Church are called?
Church buildings
Singing Praying Eucharist (Holy Communion) Christian worship involves praising God in music and speech, readings from the Bible, prayers, and sermons. What Happens Inside a Church?
Weddings Baptism What Happens Inside a Church?
The role of a priest is to carry out church services and baptise children and people. The Priest wears special clothes called vestments. The Priest
The Eucharist Eucharist means thanksgiving. The service of thanksgiving is at the heart of Christian worship. The Holy Eucharist is a reminder of the Last Supper and the altar is the Lord's table, covered with a white cloth. The Eucharist is celebrated at the altar with the bread and wine. At the Last Supper (the final meal Jesus had with his disciples before his death) Jesus shared bread and wine with them all and said this should be done regularly to remember him. The Eucharist is Also known as Holy Communion.
The Eucharist – Video Clip A group of children from a church in Liverpool discuss their role as 'server' and how they help the priest during the service. The clip shows people during the church service offering peace to one another and later going forward to be offered bread blessed by a priest. The narrator discusses the symbolism of eating the bread and explains that during this time Christians remember the Last Supper.
What is it like inside a church?
South Porch Clergy Vestry South Aisle North AislePulpit Altar Lectern Font Choir Inside a church West Porch Chancel
Inside a church
What will you see inside a church?
The Altar The altar is the holiest part of The church and a focus point For worshippers. It is found in the Chancel. The altar is used to hold and prepare the bread and wine for the Eucharist.
The Font The font is a stone container that holds the water used by the vicar to baptise someone. It symbolises a person entering Christianity. A person becomes part of the church when they get baptised as it shows the congregation that they would like to follow Jesus.
Baptism – Video Clip Baby Jamie is being baptised in a church. Jamie's older brother explains that the parents and godparents promise to help Jamie to grow up to be a Christian. The vicar pouring water from the font over Jamie's head, saying Jamie's full name and making the sign of the cross. A candle is lit to symbolise Jamie shining like a light. Click on the photo to link to a video clip about Baptism.
The Pulpit This is where the sermon is preached from The Priest might explain the meaning of the Bible passage that has been read. The pulpit is high up, so that all the congregation can see The Priest. The Pulpit is big because teaching about the Bible is important. The teaching helps people to apply the guidelines and stories in the Bible to their own lives.
Lectern The Lectern is also known as the reading stand. Members of the congregation stand here to read passages from the Bible, lead the congregation in prayer and make announcements. Many lecterns are carved in the shape of an eagle To symbolise St Matthew. They also symbolise the good news travelling around the world.
Choir Stalls Choir stalls are located between the nave and the chancel. They are separated from the nave by a choir screen. This is where the people who sing during the service may sit.
Organ This is the musical instrument that is played at the beginning of every service and accompanies hymns.
The Nave This is the area where the congregation sit. Pews A pew is a long bench used for the church congregation to sit on. Pews are usually made from wood and arranged in rows facing the altar. The slots behind each pew hold hymn books. Aisle The pathway left between pews for people to pass through.
Stained glass windows show pictures of things that happened in the Bible. Stained Glass Windows
Statues What else might you see in a church? A candle stand People light candles when saying prayers. A cross
Church Labelling Click on the photo to link to a Church labelling activity.