Methods of Evangelization CAT105/Session 2 – Children’s Catechesis Wednesday, June 22, 2016Wednesday, June 22, 2016Wednesday, June 22, 2016Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Methods of Evangelization June 22, 2016June 22, 2016June 22, Characteristics of Pre-Evangelization a.Preparation to encounter Christ and receive the Gospels b.Built on holy, healthy relationships c.Introduces the person to the Christian Community d.No Doctrine e.Keywords: Hospitality, Acceptance, Love
Methods of Evangelization June 22, 2016June 22, 2016June 22, Characteristics of Evangelization a.Proclamation of the Salvation of Christ - Kerygma b.Invitation to conversion, being like Christ c.Commitment to Christ and the Church d.Answers one’s basic question about life e.Can be repeated at every moment of our lives f.Keywords: Conversion and Commitment
Methods of Evangelization 3. Pre-evangelization with Children. a.Know the developmental characteristics of the age b.Prepare all material and environment; eliminate distractions c.A peaceful introduction to the religious environment i.Explain expectations, so as to help children succeed ii.Practice and model silence, manners, how to behave in specific activities and places (classroom, Church) iii.Know each child and call them by name June 22, 2016June 22, 2016June 22, 2016
Methods of Evangelization 4. Pre-evangelization with parents: a.Introductory parent meetings b.Social events for the Family c.Communication with parents and with entire parish d.Invite parents to Parish events e.Learn their names/Listen to them June 22, 2016June 22, 2016June 22, 2016
Methods of Evangelization 5. Evangelizing Children and Parents a.Encourage participation in Sunday Mass b.Pass on the kerygma, especially the Gospels. c.Mornings of Reflection, Day Retreats and Family Camp d.Special Events and Retreats e.Have Bibles available and read from the Bible and teach children how to find passages in the Bible f.Learn what passages are developmentally appropriate June 22, 2016June 22, 2016June 22, 2016
Methods of Evangelization 5. Evangelizing Children and Parents g.Handle the Bible with reverence and teach children to do the same h.Explain the use of Scripture in the Mass i.Encourage retreats, classes, prayer events for parents j.Provide Recommend resources to help parents read the Scriptures k.Encourage Parent Scripture Study and resources to live the faith June 22, 2016June 22, 2016June 22, 2016
Methods of Evangelization 6. Sessions with children should include: a.Proclamation of the Word, especially the Gospel during the sessions with the children. b.Prayerful meditation on the scriptures (with silence). c.Moments of song and celebration d.Response to the Gospel, either verbal, written or drawn. June 22, 2016June 22, 2016June 22, 2016
Methods of Evangelization June 22, 2016June 22, 2016June 22, 2016 For Discussion Give an example of a Scriptural story appropriate for the children you work with. How can we help our children related to Jesus through this strory? What would you want them to know about Jesus?