French-English Relations
Wave of social change against the traditional French-Canadian values focused on church, home, and family Aimed to reduce corruption, reform education, and make the province stronger and more economically independent from Canada Roman Catholic church lost its primacy and was replaced by Québec nationalism
Sent across Canada in 1963 to gather opinion about English-French relations Revealed the anti-French bias in English provinces and the federal government Recommended that both French and English be made official languages in Parliament and federal offices, and that Ottawa be declared officially bilingual
Was passed in 1969 Made Canada an officially bilingual country
France`s president visited Québec in 1967, and helped encourage separatists ended his speech with `Vive le Québec libre!`
The Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ) was a terrorist organization trying to achieve and independent Quebec in the 1960s they set of several bombs in the province to protest against English control
In 1970 they kidnapped James Cross, a British Diplomat and Québec Labour Minister Laporte Trudeau responded by imposing the War Measures Act – allowed the government to station soldiers in the streets and gave extraordinary powers to police
Pierre Laporte was found dead, two months later James Cross was found alive The crisis made it clear that Québec’s concerns had to be acknowledged
Formed in 1968, led by René Lévesque Was dedicated to separatism by peaceful means Elected to power in 1976
Once in power, the PQ passes the Charter of the French language in 1977 Made French the only official language of government and limited the use of English
The PQ held a referendum in 1980 asking Quebecers if they wanted to leave Canada Quebec voted 60% non, 40% oui Another referendum was held in 1995, the no side won again, but by a much narrower margin