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Presentation transcript:


EQ 11: What are different viewpoints on overpopulation? 3/10* BR: Use the political cartoon analysis sheet to analyze the political cartoon on the next slide YES/FOR-the world is overpopulated NO/AGAINST-the world is not overpopulated

Overpopulation definition  The number of humans exceeds the ability for a given environment to support them

This graph represents Malthus’s Theory: What did Malthus believe? Which side of the overpopulation debate did he support?

Evidence that the world is overpopulated Evidence that the world is not overpopulated

EQ: How is overpopulation effecting the world? 11/20-SKIP THIS LESSON  In what ways does or can overpopulation affect the earth?  Do you think these damages can be reversed or fixed once they occur? Why or why not? Who is responsible for fixing these problems?  Is everyone affected by these problems?

Map Analysis  For each map:  Title  2 observations  1 inference  Does this map argue for or against overpopulation? Why?

Reflection  Using the last map, write an argument for and against overpopulation  According to these maps, who is being most affected by these changes?

EQ 13: IS THE WORLD OVERPOPULATED SUCH THAT THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD IMPLEMENT MEASURES OF POPULATION CONTROL? 3/11  BR: In your opinion: Is the world overpopulated such that government should implement measures of population control?  Use 1 evidence from videos, maps, or political cartoons and explain your evidence. (Consider implications)

Read Individually  Read your article once to annotate and talk to the text.  What side of the overpopulation debate is your article supporting? Write author’s side at bottom of paper  Read your article a second time. Write E next to all evidence that the author provides to support their argument.

 As a group decide if the authors believes the world is overpopulated or not-fill in graphic organizer  Agree on the best piece of evidence and write it in your graphic organizer

Reflection  Fill in reflection on back of paper. Be specific.

3/14  Group work-share out:  Each person will share their author’s purpose and 1 piece of evidence  Make sure you understand the evidence you are writing down and ask questions

 Choose 1 evidence and write a link with a partner

BR: Link Practice hand out

 Explain Mel-Con  Debate prep sheet (Finish for HW)