Palestine Israel Conflict
Mandatory Palestine Balfour Declaration 1917, “His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people” Influx of Jewish Migrants, Jerusalem Riots 1920 White Paper 1922. Limited Jewish immigration 1929 Riots, 116 Arabs 133 Jews killed 1931, 17% of Palestine Jewish 1936-39 Arab Revolt 1948-49 Civil War
Occupied Territories 1967, Sinai, West Bank, East Jerusalem, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip Sinai returned to Egypt 1979 1982 and 2000 South Lebanon Gaza considered independent by Israel West Bank under military. Fatah PA Government. Contains settler communities
Palestinian Liberation Organisation Founded 1964 Arab League Summit Objectives: Liberate Palestine through armed struggle 10 factions the largest Fatah Granted UN observer status 1974 Labeled a terrorist organization until Madrid Conference 1991 1993 recognized right of Israel to exist
Yasser Arafat, PLO Chairman 1969 Advocated guerilla warfare 1967-70 War of Attrition 1970 Black September 1974 Ten Point Plan, Establish a State, Rejection of Israel, Right of Return 1982 relocates to Tunis 1st and 2nd Intifada 1995 Taba Agreement 1996 Arafat wins Noble Prize 2004 Death of Arafat 2005 Mahmoud Abbas
First Intifada 1987-93 A road accident involving the IDF and 4 Palestinian deaths at a refugee camp in Gaza Iron Fist Policy, Post 1967 occupied territory extrajudicial killings, mass detentions, house demolitions, forced migrations, relocations and deportation High unemployment, increased population density 40% of Palestinians working in Israel, border restrictions Boycotts, strikes, stone throwing and Molotov cocktails 80,000 IDF deployed 1,162–1,204 Palestinians killed 100 Israeli civilians and 60 IDF
Oslo Peace Accords James Baker, US Secretary of State “Israel should abandon its expansionist policies” Madrid Conference, Syria Lebanon, Jordan, PLO, Israel Oslo I 1993 Oslo II (Taba) 1995 Palestine gains control of civil affairs, Safe passage of peoples, economic cooperation
Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin 4 November 1995, by Yigal Amir an Israeli Zionist PM Netanyahu, Rabin “removed from Jewish tradition and Jewish values.” Annual rally held in support of Rabin’s policy 33,000 attended in 2013
2000-05 Second Intifada Sparked by visit of Ariel Sharon to Temple Mount Election of Netanyahu, failure of Oslo Jerusalem, Temple Mount, Right of Return Deaths, 3000 Palestinians, 1000 Israelis, 64 others Sharm el Sheikh Summit 2005
Contemporary Issues Settler Communities Separation Wall Right of Return Hamas/ Gaza Palestine joins ICC Jerusalem
Right of Return and Condition of Refugees Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Post Conflict Policy first-generation refugees and descendants have a right to the property they or their forebears left behind or were forced to leave Compensation in lieu of return Israel regards this as an unrealistic demand
Settler Communities 382,031 West Bank, 300,000, East Jerusalem 20,000 in the Golan Heights Considered illegal by international community UN Vote, 158 of 166, 160 of 171 against settlement policy. Illegal egal under international law
Separation Wall 1949 Armistice Line 700 Km Construction began 2002
Gaza 2005,unilateral disengagement plan, Israel removed all of its settlers and military forces from the territory. does not consider Gaza to be occupied territory and declared it a "foreign territory". 2007 Hamas elections, border crossings by land, sea and air heavily restricted
Hamas The Elected Governing Authority in Gaza Islamist organisation founded 1987 First Intifada Goals: Liberate Palestine, Establish and Islamic State Wings: Social Welfare, Political and Military Governed by a Consultative Council 15 Member Political Bureau elected by the Council
2014 Gaza War July 2014, 3 Israelis abducted and killed Israel crackdown on Hamas leadership sparks intensifies rocket fire from Gaza Israel launches 7 week bombing campaign
International Criminal Court ICC deals with war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity Frustration with peace negotiations lead to strategy of ‘internationalizing the issue’ Palestine submits claims for the 2014 events Hamas could face charges Israel not a member of ICC US could cut 400m in Palestinian aide
Jerusalem Netanyahu "Jerusalem belongs to the Jewish people and will remain under Israeli sovereignty for eternity.“ UN international city PNA, An open city with freedom for all to worship
Temple Mount or Haram al Sharif Dome of the Rock Night Journey Al Aqsa Mosque Western Wall