Trip to Israel, Dec-Jan : The flight to Israel, part 2 In the shuttle bus, on the way to the Hyatt hotel. I didn’t know it will snow but I was well prepared for the cold weather.
Our room was identical to the one we had last trip, only on the 12 th floor and not the 11 th. We landed two hours late and the girls were tired but thrilled to see the hotel room. I suggested we skip dinner and head to bed but they insisted we have to go eat first.
We freshened up a bit and headed down before the dinner time was officially over. The girls have never been to such a high floor of a building before!
The girls were highly impressed by the Christmas tree!
As expected, dinner was delicious. The girls asked for seconds – the pasta was a great hit! Hahgoot was impressed they had candles lit over water and Alma was having a hard time not knocking over all the balls (she was very well behaved but you could see she was itching to push those balls across the fountains!)
After checking out their many reflections, the girls were happy to head back to the room. There they stared at the snow falling for a while – it is really mesmerising!
The view of the back of the hotel from our window, on the top floor.
They did some drawings while I organized things for bedtime. Then they did their night procedure with ease. I put them in bed, told them they could have a quiet chat before falling asleep and went to have my shower. I heard them having a very sweet small talk chat and then Hahgoot said “and now we close our eyes and go to sleep” and that’s what they promptly did. Oh, bliss... Don’t worry, after this it was all downhill – they were extremely hard to put to bed all through the trip... So I truly enjoyed this fleeting moment of childhood perfection. After another hour packing the bags for the next adventure day, I was off to bed too. In our next presentation: We enjoy the time till our flight in the hotel