Unit Conversions MEASUREMENT
Number vs. Quantity Quantity - number + unit UNITS MATTER!!
The Metric System Easier to use because it is based on powers of 10. A metric unit has two parts: A prefix and a base unit Example cm, mL, mg The prefix tells you how many times to divide or multiply by 10
Some Base Units Length - meter(m) - more than a yard Mass - grams(g) - about a raisin Volume - Liter(L) - half of a two liter bottle
Some Prefixes Mega M times kilo k 1000 times Hecto h 100 times Deka dk 10 times BASE deci d 1/10 centi c 1/100 milli m 1/1000 Micro µ 1/ Nano n 1/ Pico p 1/
Intro to Dimensional Analysis How long can you hold your breath? Convert it to DAYS!
Dimensional Analysis The “Factor-Label” Method –Units, or “labels” are canceled, or “factored” out
Dimensional Analysis Steps: 1. Identify starting & ending units. 2. Line up conversion factors so units cancel. 3. Multiply all top numbers & divide by each bottom number. 4. Check units & answer.
Conversion Factors Conversion factor- a fraction based on a definition and equal to 1 –Example: 1 cm = 0.01 m Conversion factors possible: 1 cm 0.01 m 0.01 m OR 1 cm
Dimensional Analysis Your European hairdresser wants to cut your hair 8.0 cm shorter. How many inches will he be cutting off? 8.0 cm1 in 2.54 cm = 3.2 in cmin
F a c t o r - L a b e l C o n v e r t g r a m s t o p o u n d s When 1 pound is equal to 454 g. g lbs g 1 p o u n d g = 2. 2 p o u n d s
Dimensional Analysis Taft football needs 550 cm for a 1st down. How many feet is this? 550 cm 1 in 2.54 cm = 18 ft cmft 1 ft 12 in
Dimensional Analysis If there are 5280 ft in 1 mile, and you run 8.5 miles, how many cm did you run? 1 in = 2.54 cm
Questions? “The ultimate measure of a person is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where the stand in times of challenge and controversy.”