Why is there a need for a standard system of measurement? People in the world need to be able to agree on specific quantities.
International System of measurement AKA SI Based on the powers of 10. Prefixes are used to make a measurement more precise. o Kilo means 1000 o Centi means 1\100 o Milli means 1\1000 o 1000 milliliters is equal to 100 centiliters is equal to 1 liter. o 1 kilometer is equal to 1000 meters. o 1 gram is equal to 1000 milligrams
Meters, Liters, Grams Oh My! Meter is a unit for distance. Liter is a unit for volume. Gram is a unit for mass. o All of these are quantities you can measure. A derived quantity is one that you must calculate. Ex. Density o Density is the mass divided by the volume or d = m/v.
When measuring quantities: Be as precise as possible. The more decimals in a measurement, the more precise. o Ex: 10 ml graduated cylinder marked in 0.1 ml increments is more exact than a 100 ml grad marked in 1 ml increments. o Measuring to millimeters is more precise than to a meter.
Being precise and accurate is important in quantitative measurements. Precision is a measure to which measurements made in the same way agree with each other. Accuracy is the degree to which an experimental result agrees with the accepted value.
Being precise and accurate is important in quantitative measurements. Precision is a measure to which measurements made in the same way agree with each other. Accuracy is the degree to which an experimental result agrees with the accepted value. Poor accuracy is possible even if you are precise. How? o Same error involved in repeated trials.
Science and Technology Science and technology go hand in hand. o As new discoveries are made in science, new technology is developed. As new technology is developed, scientific knowledge is increased.
Science and Technology Science and technology go hand in hand. o As new discoveries are made in science, new technology is developed. As new technology is developed, scientific knowledge is increased. o Science is a process of inquiry that looks for relationships that explain and predict the world around us. o Technology is the application of scientific discoveries to meet human needs and goals through the development of products and processes.
Investigations and Designs Scientific Investigations determine the relationship between independent and dependent variables described by a hypothesis. o Ask questions o Form hypotheses and suggest relationships between variables. o Investigate relationship between variables. o Data analysis and conclusions on whether the hypothesis was supported or refuted.
Technological Design Process used to design products and processes that people can use. o Problem or need is identified. o Solution is designed to meet the need or solve the problem. o Solution or product is developed and tested. o Results are analyzed to determine how well the solution or product solved the problem or met the need. Was it cost and time effective? Will it last? Does it solve the problem? Does it cause harm?
Bellwork In light of our discussion on technological design last class… take the next few minutes and come up with a new product or process to solve an existing issue! o Give me the problem, introduce your product/process, and explain how you might test it