BSc Honours Biomedical Science (Level 8)
New joint programme in Biomedical Science education between CIT and UCC. CAO code CR320 Replacing: CR085 BSc Biomedical Science (level 7) in CIT And CK402 entry to Biomedical Science (UCC)
Entry Requirements Minimum HC3 in two subjects & passes in four subjects at H or O level in the Leaving Certificate, from Irish, English, Mathematics, one laboratory Science subject (i.e..Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Physics with Chemistry (joint) or Agricultural Science) and two other subject recognised for entry purposes. One of the HC3 subjects must be in a laboratory science subject. In addition students must have the requisite points for entry onto the course
Student Numbers: 40 Duration: 4 years This new programme is jointly managed, administrated and taught by the two participating educational institutions. Lectures and laboratory sessions will be conducted in both institutions
The aim of the new BSc in Biomedical Sciences is to educate students in ‘state of the art’ technologies and their applications in the medical laboratory. Also to provide a high standard broad education base in the Life Sciences which would provide alternative career options such as research, biotechnology and biopharmaceutical industries, sales, marketing etc.
This new course is accredited and recognised by the Academy of Medical Laboratory Science (AMLS). Graduates of this BSc course have the option to progress to an ‘in-service’ clinical placement training programme provided by CIT and UCC in a designated hospital laboratory. To be employed as a Medical Scientist in Ireland both of the following are required by the AMLS: 1.An honours degree in Biomedical Science 2.A completed ‘in-service’ training
What will be studied? Year 1 Biomedical Science, Cell Biology, Health Science, Human Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and CIT (Creativity, Innovation and Teamwork). Year 2 Mammalian cell and tissue structure, Biomolecules, Case Studies in Biomedical Science, Principles of Metabolic Pathways, Analytical Science and Instrumentation, Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Clinical Biochemistry, Introductory Molecular Biology, Fundamental Principles of Microbiology, Introductory Physiology..
Year 3 Structural Biochemistry, Advanced Metabolism, Cell Signaling, Cellular Pathology, Molecular Biology, Haematology and Transfusion Science, Library Project/Research methods, Diagnostic Microbiology, Medical Microbiology, Immunology, Transmission and Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, Pharmacology. Year 4 Cellular Pathology, Virology, Research project, Haematology, Transfusion Science,, Quality Management Systems in Biomedical Science, Statistics for Biomedical Scientists, Clinical Biochemistry and Endocrinology, DNA Diagnostics, Toxicology.
Critical things to remember: New CAO code is CR320. No CR085 code for CIT Biomedical Science in CK402 still in UCC but there is no entry to Biomedical Science via this code.
Biomedical Science queries to: Tel: (0)