emh group Who are we? We are emh group and we are one of the largest providers of social housing and housing related support services in the East Midlands. We have around properties in more than 40 local authority areas across the region and we provide care and support to hundreds more customers. A significant business emh group is a significant business in the region. We have a turnover of £72.3 million and assets of £614 million. We’re a major employer with 1200 staff across the various companies that make up the group. We invest in building around 300 properties every year. Customers at the heart Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. They are involved at the very highest levels of decision-making and scrutiny, and their feedback informs the services we provide. We support our customers in a whole host of ways, from helping them to budget so they can afford their rent, to providing specially adapted homes for elderly and disabled tenants to live independently. Version 0.2 Chris Swaine. 12 Apr 14
We are emh group. We comprise: emh sharps (garden services) social enterprise emh sharpes is an in-house landscape maintenance company which acts as a social enterprise within the Group. Midlands Rural Housing Midlands Rural Housing provides management and development services to four rural housing associations, managing around 1,400 homes. It also provides general rural consultancy services and campaigns for more investment in rural affordable housing, and is an Industrial & Provident Society. emh group HQ Our headquarters (HQ) is registered as an Industrial and Provident Society and provides shared services to our business. These include: Finance; ICT; Procurement, HR function (Personnel, L&D, Health & Safety, Payroll, Academy); Development Health & Social Care Division (trading under the name ‘Enable’) Enable comprises two legal entities: Enable Housing Association, as an Industrial and Provident Society, and its subsidiary, Enable Care and Home Support, which is a company limited by guarantee and registered with the Charities Commission. Enable has historically worked primarily with people with learning difficulties in Derbyshire. For the Group as a whole, Enable offers the opportunity to focus on care as well as support and to provide dedicated and regulated services n health and social care. Housing and Regeneration Division (trading under the name ‘emh homes’ emh homes is a charitable Industrial and Provident Society providing landlord services to over 17,000 homes across the East Midlands region. It was formed in September 2013, through the amalgamation of four asset holding Registered Providers within the Group. emh homes currently has two Direct Labour Organisations (DLOs) providing in- house property maintenance services, one based in the North (Ilkeston) and one in the South (Blaby) of its area of operation.
A potted history 1946 – emh group starts life as East Midlands Housing Association (EMHA); a traditional housing association set up by a small group of homeless ex-servicemen with an initial capital of just £39 and10 shillings – Specialist subsidiary, Midlands Rural Housing, is formed to provide support services to four small county- based housing associations. Today MRH provides rural housing expertise and services to a wide range of customers as well as championing rural housing at a regional and national level – Foundation Housing Association joins with EMHA, bringing with it specialist expertise in providing homes and services to Black and Minority Ethnic communities – Three Oaks Homes – a stock transfer association with 2,200 homes in Blaby – joins and the umbrella organization, East Midlands Housing Group, is registered – The Group brands its home sales operation as Hello homes and starts selling this service to other providers – Three Valleys Housing, another stock transfer organization based in Erewash, Derbyshire, joins the group adding a further 5,000 homes – Enable, a well established organisation providing housing and support services to disabled people in the region, joins the group The four housing associations in the Group amalgamate to become one new provider: emh homes and the group re-brands as emh group.