The Nuclear Institute Annual General Meeting 2015 Tuesday 2 December 2015
THE YEAR IN REVIEW Rear Admiral Tim Chittenden FNucI FIMechE President, The Nuclear Institute
A Year of Consolidation 1 Appointed new permanent CEO: J Warden Welcomed new trustees: Alastair Laird – Strategy Paul Pearson –Treasurer Fiona Rayment – Events Chair John Robertson – E&T Neil Thomson – Vice President Rebecca Weston – Branch Chairs and Audit Committees
A Year of Consolidation 2 Transition of Head Office Staff – Farewell to Tony, Susanne and Anna, Welcome to Adriana, Brian and Liz. Review of Finances by Raghbir Bains Review of Membership processes Preparation for new Membership Grades Improved engagement with key stakeholders
A Year of Consolidation 3 Focus on Nuclear Professionalism Continued progress on skills agenda at all levels from schools to post graduate. Excellent events but fewer in number and reduced profit. Disappointing progress in increasing membership
Background to new strategy Need to address structural and procedural issues which are holding NI back Review of Head Office staffing and organisation Team of CEO, Alastair, Rebecca, Neil, Mehdi developed a draft strategy bring the NI to a position of long term sustainability. Strategy was approved by BOT today.
Women In Nuclear The NI has been engaged in discussions with WIN aimed at bringing the two organisations together. The BOT and WIN Executive have reached agreement on terms of integration. It is proposed that WIN will act like a nationwide “Branch” analogous to the YGN The AGM is invited to endorse this proposal.
2014 ACCOUNTS Paul Pearson, Hon Treasurer
2014 Accounts - Highlights NI Ents margin of £181k At Group level an operating loss of £133k, down from a surplus of £117k in Healthy reserves position of £1135K: £667k Investments plus £468k Cash in bank At year end debtors were £191k, up from £142k in 2013 (Significant work has reduced debtors at Nov 15 to£72k of which only £27k relates to 2014 & prior debts).
2014 Accounts - Formalities Propose adoption of 2014 accounts (already submitted to Companies House and Charity Commission) Following a competitive tender with four bidders, propose re-appointment of Kingston Smith as Auditors Thanks to Staff in challenging circumstances Trustees and F&BP for their perseverance
Trustee Board AGM endorsement of the appointment of new President: Neil Thomson has been nominated as President to take over from RAdm Tim Chittenden from 1 Jan 2016 AGM endorsement of the appointment of new Trustees: The Board of Trustees has nominated Jas Jalaf as a Trustee and Chair of the Audit Committee The BOT has nominated Miranda Kerschel as a Trustee to lead on Women in Nuclear The Articles allow up to 15 trustees. It is intended to call for nominations from the membership and hold elections in 2016 to bring the BOT up to 14.
Thank You Norman Harrison, Past President, who steps down as Trustee but will continue to chair the Nominations Committee Chris Williams, who steps down as Trustee and Branch Chair Roy Manning, who steps down as Trustee and Chair of the Branch Chairs and Audit Committees All those Members who volunteered many hours to the NI activities on committees, branches and YGN Experts who have given time freely to produce conferences
Summary of Strategy A strategy for Growth Target 7000 members by end professional members by end 2020 Double the commercial surplus by 2020
Summary of Strategy Three Strategic Themes More for Members Supporting Nuclear Professionalism Advancing understanding of Nuclear Power Supported by Improved support for volunteers Improved NI Processes
Members Questions From Iain Gray Q. How much of the proceeds of the sale of Allen House remain and how has it been spent? A. The proceeds remain in the NI investments and bank balance. Had we not sold Allen House we would have had to drawn down on investments, not least to refurbish Allen House to a safe and acceptable standard. The trustees have chosen to leave the investments in Coutts and use the cash in the bank, largely derived from the sale, to offset expenses where necessary. At the end of 2014 there was £468k in the bank although subsequent trading has reduced this total during 2015.
Members Questions From Iain Gray Q. Following the move from Allen House to temporary accommodation in London the Trustees agreed to review options including the possible purchase of a different property. Has this review been carried out? A. The debate about what to do in the longer term remains live; part of the NI’slonger term strategy is to consider alternative HQ solutions in London and elsewhere. While a number of possibilities in the London area have been researched, the trustees have yet to agree on the preferred way forward. The trustees are not currently minded to purchase a different property but have not totally excluded this possibility. Members will be informed of the outcome of these deliberations when they have reached a conclusion.
Members Questions From Iain Gray Q. Is there a Power Point presentation available extolling the benefits of NI Professional Membership that I could use with colleagues? A. A number of Power Point presentations exist and can be made available to members on request to the CEO. In the longer term the NI intends to create good quality presentational material which will be made available to members via the website.