Securing Big Data is a business imperative. PROTECT BIG DATA
Perimeter Security is Failing Source: 100% 63% 100% of victims have up-to-date antivirus software of breaches are reported by third parties median number of days advanced attackers are on the network before being detected of breaches involved stolen credentials 243
Big Data is NOW a Reality 65% Of Companies deployed/expect to deploy BIG DATA PROJECTS Source: CIO Magazine “2012 Big Data Survey”
Do Organizations Understand the Risks? Organizations have pushed vast amounts of data into these big data clusters, but most have implemented virtually zero security measures. ! “ “Securing Big Data: Security Recommendations for Hadoop and NoSQL Environments.” Securosis - October, 2012 “
All Data Sources are at Risk in Big Data Architectures
View big data as an extension of the enterprise Four Steps to Consider when Implementing A Big Data Project Minimize points of integration Choose and implement a primary platform Evaluate service providers carefully Incorporate security plan in the Beginning of Big Data planning stage
Vormetric Data-Centric Security Elements Data Firewall Access Policies Encryption and Key Management Security Intelligence Automation Performance Impact can be minimal for Big Data Security Project
Vormetric Data Security Certified on CDH4 Cloudera’s Distribution Including Apache Hadoop Version 4 i “ “ The completion of Vormetric Data Security’s certification on CDH4 further solidifies Vormetric as a leading company in today’s growing big data and open-source space. Tim Stevens VP, Corporate and Business Development,
Data-Centric Security Is An Issue Big Data, Global Compliance, Cloud Adoption, Data Breaches CLOUD ADOPTION Enterprise Security #1 Inhibitor 1 APTs DATA BREACHES 98% Stolen Records From Large Orgs 2 1.Global State of Information Security® Survey by PwC, CIO magazine, and CSO magazine – October Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report – March 2012 BIG DATA Big Data is a Big Target GLOBAL COMPLIANCE Aggressive New Regulations
PROTECT BIG DATA Securing Big Data is a business imperative.