Publications: Impact of Open Access (OA) on Societies that publish scientific journals Chris Holcroft, Chief Executive RMetS
The session What is Open Access? Why Open Access? Pros and Cons The ‘mixed economy’ Effects on Societies that publish Possible points for discussion
What is Open Access? A new publishing model. In simplest terms, a move from the ‘reader/subscriber pays’ to ‘author pays’ for access to scientific articles/publications. It’s here! It’s public policy in some countries. It’s being deployed and used. There are two models of Open Access publication.
Two models of OA 'Gold' open access defines publications in scientific journals that are funded through an article publishing/processing charge (APC) paid by the author or a sponsor. Most publishing houses now offer open access options and publish open access journals. ‘Green’ open access designates publications that are made freely available after an ‘embargo period’ a version of the article for free public access is placed in a suitable repository, or on some other open access website. Typical embargo periods under discussion or implemented vary between 6 and 24 months.
Why OA? Great interest generated by US and European Govt’s and others. OA it is claimed, will ensure that public funded research which is will reach the largest possible audience, as well as dealing with the alleged waste of public resources which results from traditional publishing. Since 2006 Wellcome Trust Since 2008 US Nat Inst of Health Since 2013 UK mandate for all publicly funded research Since 2008 phasing in by the EU (60% by 2016)
Pros & Cons 'For' Open Access. Open Access is thought to: enable the prompt and widespread dissemination of research findings; benefit both the efficiency of the research process and economic growth driven by publicly funded research; increase public understanding of research; challenge and redress the alleged distortions (double-charging) in the scientific publishing business created by the traditional 'subscriber pays' model. 'Against' Open Access. Open Access may: to some degree undermine current income streams for publishers (and by default the income of Learned Societies that depend on it); limit the amount of available public funding for researchers seeking to publish academic work; create uncertainty, complexity and confusion amongst the academic community seeking to publish research work; create complexity and mixed economies for publishing companies responsible for international journals that need to bring together Open Access research and traditionally published academic research; introduce embargo periods for academic work that do not suit the area of specialism (for example Medical embargo periods can be shorter than that of Earth Sciences).
The mixed economy A nations scientific publishing economy will consist of: Green OA Gold OA Subscription funded papers A scientific journal could consist of: OA articles Subscription funded papers In varying proportions...
Effects on societies that publish Potential income changes Need to be able to manage the mixed economy Need to manage OA licensing regimes Need to be able to manage the accounting process Need to be able to cope in a time of relatively complex change Need to be able to advise and educate authors Not easy without resource and skilled expertise
Possible things to discuss To what degree is scientific publishing important to IFMS members? Is OA a factor in your country? Do you see OA as impacting positively or negatively on your Society? Are there any points of common agreement that IFMS members may identify concerning OA?