Draft, Washington Prediabetes Advocacy Plan
Long-term Goals and Strategies By 2015, establish an infrastructure to support increased coverage for prediabetes screening and Diabetes Primary Prevention (DPP) lifestyle intervention program. Strategies Increase the number of DPP lifestyle intervention programs across Washington. Create an inventory of lifestyle intervention programs available in Washington. Increase the communication and coordination among various chronic disease organizations to promote lifestyle interventions programs in Washington.
Long-term Goals and Strategies By 2013, secure public and private insurance coverage* for evidence-based prediabetes lifestyle intervention program. Strategies Using data, scientific findings and the Washington experiences, continue to demonstrate the value of DPP lifestyle intervention programs and other lifestyle intervention programs. Work with the insurance companies to educate health care providers and consumers about this benefit to increase use. *Public and private insurers include -- Medicaid, Group Health, Uniform Medical Plan, and Premera Blue Cross and Regence Blue Shield.
Long-term Goals and Strategies By 2013, provide public and private insurance* coverage for prediabetes screening consistent with current ADA recommendations. Strategies Investigate current coverage for prediabetes screening and ongoing monitoring of prediabetes status. Using data, scientific findings and the Washington experiences, continue to demonstrate the value of prediabetes screening to public and private insurers. Work with the insurance companies to educate health care providers and subscribers about this benefit to increase use. *Public and private insurers include -- Medicaid, Group Health, Uniform Medical Plan, and Premera Blue Cross and Regence Blue Shield.
Intermediate Goal and Strategies By 2012, consumer, provider and policy-maker awareness of prediabetes would be increased by X%. Strategies: Determine a way to measure and track awareness of prediabetes. Implement a communication plan to increase provider and policy-maker awareness of prediabetes. Implement a health promotion plan to increase consumer awareness of chronic disease screening, including prediabetes.
Short-term Goals and Strategies By X, the Diabetes Caucus and the Insurance Commissioner will be supportive of securing prediabetes screening and lifestyle intervention. Strategies: Create a human face (story) about prediabetes. Gather data and evidence about prediabetes [coordinated with chronic disease programs.]
Short-term Goals and Strategies By X, inform health insurers about cost-benefit of and ask for prevention coverage. Strategies: Chronic disease programs should coordinate their efforts for health insurance coverage to service related to their focus (e.g., diabetes primary prevention, cancer screening, tobacco cessation, asthma). Conduct a Summit to ask health insurers to provide coverage for chronic disease prevention screening.
Short-term Goals and Strategies By June 2010, create an infrastructure to support the advocacy plan. Strategies: Educate the Diabetes Leadership Team The Diabetes Advocacy Committee is formed. Develop a communication plan to increase consumer, provider and policy-makers awareness of the advocacy plan. Build the business case for prediabetes screening and lifestyle intervention.
Short-term Goals and Strategies By X, work with community partners to create prediabetes lifestyle interventions that are aligned with the CDC certification process. Strategies: Create a resource document or guidelines until national guidelines certification are available.
Resources and Assets (Funds and In-kind) HAVE DPCP – administration and staffing YMCA (DPP) ADA (technical assistance) DOH Chronic Disease Alliance DOH Communication Office Diabetes Network Leadership Team National Diabetes Education Programs (educational materials) NEED Advocacy training for stakeholders (NACDD/ADA) Recognition/certification process for lifestyle programs Technical Assistance from CDC and NACDD Access to other successful models (e.g., DPCPs) Media resources and expertise at the local level
Resources and Assets (Infrastructure) HAVE YMCA ADA Area Agency on Aging Diabetes Coalitions Statewide Diabetes Educators Diabetes Connection website Community planners/built environment 3 rd party payers Health care infrastructure Puget Sound Health Alliance Healthy communities project Other state chronic disease programs HAVE Statewide health departments Indian Health Service Medial home WA Wellness Association Diabetes Caucus Insurance commissioner WA Academy of Family Physicians WA Association of Diabetes Educators Prevention Research Center Schools of public health WA Association of Migrant Health Centers Certified Diabetes Education Programs
Resources and Assets (Infrastructure) NEED Office of Minority Health Eastern Washington Connection Strong economic return on investment
Resources and Assets (Contacts) HAVE Media resources Insurance companies Identify contact people within in each agency, i.e., medical director Media/communication contact (i.e., newsletter editor) Trusted source that can contact people we do not know – send messages through these sources and their lists Diabetes Caucus (include them in developing the plan to reach other legislators) YMCA HAVE ADA - they have established media resources Diabetes Connection Existing forums (i.e., annual meeting of Diabetes Network) Association of WA cities and counties Washington Assn of Diabetes Educators annual meeting WA Dietetic Assn Insurance Commissioner Pharmacist (connect with them at either professional association and or conferences) Regional coalitions, other coalition listservs
Resources and Assets (People and Group) HAVE DPCP and 5 regional coalitions ADA WA Assn of Educators Diabetes Caucus Certified Diabetes Educators WA Assn of Migrant Health Centers WA Assn of Family Practice Native American groups (i.e., Indian Health Board) Puget Sound Health Alliance Health Care Authority YMCA Lions Large employers: Microsoft, Boeing NDEP HAVE Insurance companies, i.e., Premera Veterans Association Veteran’s administrations Children’s and other hospitals American Heart Association American Cancer Society Tobacco Healthy Community Insurance Commissioner Secretary of Health State Health Officer WA Public Health Association WA State Hospital Association WA Nurses Association Colleges/Universities
Resources and Assets (People and Groups) NEED Provider groups Medical associations