Tables rondes 3-5 juin 2013 Governance and Geopolitics Synthesis of results from the forum of discussion Cecile Pelaudeix (Sciences Po, Lyon) Anne Choquet (France Business School, campus de Brest ) Thierry Rodon, Université Laval, Canada Yvette Vaguet, Université de Rouen Annie Cudennec, Institut Universitaire d’Etudes Marines, Brest
Tables rondes 3-5 juin 2013 Fact: Accelerated changes in the Arctic since the end of the 2000s. Global warming, economic prospects, opening of sea routes, evolution in the geopolitics of energy resources. These changes impact the environment (mining, offshore exploitation, sea routes), the way of life of residents (in particular Indigenous peoples), the geopolitical and geo-economic balances in the region.
Tables rondes 3-5 juin 2013 Objectives: Identify main research themes for the development of research on Arctic governance When: From April 2 to now A dynamic forum: 97 posts, 2053 views (430 just for one topic) Scientific disciplines (posts): political science, law, geography, anthropology, geomorphology, atmospheric chemistry… from French researchers in Finland, US, Canada…. and France
Tables rondes 3-5 juin 2013 The concept of governance “Governance is the sum of many ways individuals and institutions, public and private, manage their common affairs. It is a continuing process through which conflicting or diverse interests may be accommodated and co-operative action taken.” The Commission on Global Governance Four levels of governance analyzed : local regional, national, international.
Tables rondes 3-5 juin main (multidicisplinary) scientific questions 1.How to ensure a sustainable development of Arctic communities? 2.How to assess and improve effective cooperation and governance at various levels of territoriality? 3.What are the impacts of natural resources exploitation on the environment and societies, and what governance mechanisms are in place? 4.Identify the risks of navigation through the Arctic ocean and governance options 5.What are the impacts of climate change on the environment and infrastructures, their consequences on economic development and the optional governance scenarios?
Tables rondes 3-5 juin How to ensure a sustainable development of Arctic communities? Assessment of role and effectiveness of education – For economic and cultural development / effective participation in scientific research – Needs, access and quality Management of economic development – How to maximize benefits, limit negative impacts of extractive industries – Adapted governance : consultation, participation, decision-making – North-South partnerships Management of urbanization – Process of appropriation of a polar identity by non-indigenous residents – Perspectives of urbanization and diversification of the economy – Social challenges of increasing mixed population – Challenges of political representation with the dilution of IP in some areas
Tables rondes 3-5 juin How to assess and improve effective cooperation and governance at various levels of territoriality ? National policies: Arctic states, EU, non Arctic states Geostrategy: new world balances, role of Asian actors Intergovernmental governance: adaptation to the challenges of a globalized and fast changing Arctic Regional governance: regional governments, regional bodies like the Barents Euro Arctic Council, NGO’s… Symbolic weight of cooperation in international relations
Tables rondes 3-5 juin What are the impacts of natural resources exploitation on the environment and societies, and what governance mechanisms are in place? Management of resources – Impact on environment – National and regional politics – Regulatory framework: competences, policies (privatization, nationalisation..), norms Geostrategic dimension of resources: rare earth, energy security… Impact of resources exploitation on local communities: various levels of governance involved, evolution of national and international regulations
Tables rondes 3-5 juin Identify the risks of navigation through the Arctic ocean and governance options Freedom of navigation and maritime Law: competences of Arctic states, interpretations of right of access to various sections of NSR and NWP Human and environmental security: which norms (fabrication of ships, ice navigation training, emission of pollutants) Negotiation and decision-making processes – OMI, Polar Code, MARPOL – An Arctic SECA (Special Emission Control Areas)? – Actors: public (state, regional governments…), private (corporations, insurance companies, NGO’s…)
Tables rondes 3-5 juin What are the impacts of climate change on the environment and infrastructures, their consequences on economic development and the optional governance scenarios? Science policy interface – How is scientific expertise (e.g. melting of permafrost, erosion, icing) translated into policy planning? – Actors of this equation: local, regional… Socio economic impacts – Assess the socio economic impacts – Propose optional governance scenarios
Tables rondes 3-5 juin 2013 Conclusion First step of our assessment of priorities (public forum discussion). This work will be further developed during the conference, and in particular during day 4. Comments are welcome…