Tips for success at the IRL Envirothon: Soils
Soil Station Students will enter the Soil Station Receive information as a group, receive test packets and the points distributions sheet. GO!!!! Each station is timed and the teams will get a 2 minute warning before moving on to the next station. This makes the time spent in the soil demonstartion station fair to all teams. Please write clearly so that the answer that was intended is the answer that you get credit for. Written: Poster/Map: 30 points 10 points Demonstration/Soil Pit: 40 points Oral: Total:20 points 100 points
Written Test Station – The written test may include matching, fill in the blanks, short answer, true false and multiple choice questions. Tie breakers will be included in this test section. Be familiar with: Tools of the trade Soil biology Soil history & facts Soil quality Soil management Water movement through soil Soil careers
Other things to focus on: * Study the definitions * Know your state soil * Tie breakers are on the back of the pages. Don't forget them * Print clearly * Pay attention in the other might just learn an answer for the written test Students will have to use the Munsell Color Charts and evaluate soil textures. They should know Soil Horizons (A, E, Bh, Bt, C horizons) and Soil Orders - Entisol, Alfisol, Spodosol, Inceptisol etc...).
Demonstration Test Station – This is a “hands-on” station. Be prepared to go into a soil pit if the site permits. If there isn’t an actual pit then there will be a soil plug sample or containers of soil. Be familiar with: How to use a Munsell Chart Identification & characteristics (color, chroma, texture, porosity, permeability) Soil classifications, the twelve orders of soil taxonomy Soil indicators The soil textural triangle Soil profiles & horizons
We will have a Soil Sample Be familiar with the area soils Work quickly Devide the questions up between your team members to save time You will get your hands dirty.
Poster Test Station– At this station there might be a soil map of the site, a county soil survey book, soil profile displays or other identifying tools. Be familiar with: How to locate information in the soil survey book including the tables Florida soils Soil specific to the site Web Soil Survey
Know how to read a soil map Know how to find information from the on line Soil Web Survey and in a Soil Survey Book for Indian River County Remember to use your resources like... TheContents The Index to map units Summary of Tables Classification of the Soils Glossary
Oral Question – At this station, an examiner will ask a question that must be answered orally. Students will have several minutes to discuss the question and frame an answer. The question is usually associated with the current issue, so as you study, be sure to relate how elements of the current issue might relate to soils. Be familiar with: Soil risks, hazards, land use Soil concerns in urban environments Soil function Soil terminology Conservation
*The Oral question will reference the Current Issue *Study the resources from the Indian River Lagoon Envirothon website under Current Issue that would pertain to soils. *Each team member must participate in answering or lose points
ALL FINISHED? Double check that all questions have an answer. Guess if you need to. When your time is up...please turn in your completed test packet to the grading table. Move on to the next station. GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN