Aid: Self-help schemes.
Aims of this lesson. To learn what we mean by self-help schemes. To find out why self-help schemes can benefit developing counties more than some large scale aid. To learn about some self-help schemes in use today.
What is a self-help scheme? It is exactly what it says. It allows the people that need help to help themselves. A self-help scheme is often set up by an aid agency (such as Oxfam). They involve people in LEDC’s taking part in activities that allow them to help themselves and their communities. The schemes are usually small scale and use simple technology.
What sort of self help schemes do you get? Stone lines: People are encouraged to build stone lines along the contours of the land. These lines trap water behind them when it does rain. Over time this creates fertile soil which can be used for farming.
What sort of self help schemes do you get? Afforestation (Re-planting of trees) People planting trees can help in a number of ways. Tree roots hold the soil together making it stable and fertile. Trees protect the top soil from wind erosion. Trees can provide a good source of fuel and wood for building.
What sort of self help schemes do you get? Education for Children: If more children are educated then it in the future they can go into better jobs which means more money for them and the country.
What sort of self help schemes do you get? Training local people in new farming techniques. In this case it’s a fish farming technique, but it could be anything. As long as they learn the skills that they need to feed themselves and their family.
What sort of self help schemes do you get? All of these schemes have a few things in common. They all help the people that need it. They all cost very little. They provide skills for the people involved. They are all sustainable
Task Turn to page 193 of the Geog SG book: Complete tasks 1-4.