get into flexible learning E-xpanding your Training Delivery
get into flexible learning Today: What is e-learning and why use it? Some definitions E-Learning – What do you need to consider? Planning E-Learning Search for ready-made content (AFLF Products, Toolboxes, LORN) Overview DIY Content, Activities & Assessment (using ARED)
get into flexible learning What is e-learning? E-Learning ….a form of learning in which the instructor and student are separated by space or time where the gap between the two is bridged through the use of online technologies It is simply “learning”, in another delivery mode. The learning should be the central focus.
get into flexible learning Why use e-Learning? Digital format allows us to move from “flat” content towards interactivity and enhance the learning experience. This can simulate work environments and make the learning experience more fun. Learning Management Systems (LMS) allow tracking Gives greater access to those who cannot attend f-2-f Web 2.0 tools allow enhancement of training through social networking; eg. Blogs, forums, chat, wikis. Web 3.0 tools allow organising and sharing of information
get into flexible learning Some definitions: Learning Management System Software that tracks student progress in a course and indicates completions…. track individual student progress, record scores of quizzes and tests within an online learning program, and track course completions. Virtual Classroom/Virtual Conferencing A computer accessible, on-line learning environment intended to fulfil many of the learning facilitation roles of a physical classroom.
get into flexible learning Some definitions: Web 1.0 A general reference to the World Wide Web during its first few years of operation. The term is mostly used to contrast the earlier days of the Web before blogs, wikis, social networking sites and Web-based applications became commonplace. See Web 2.0.Web Web 2.0 Web 2.0 is a trend in World Wide Web technology, and web design, a second generation of web-based communities and hosted services such as social-networking sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies, which aim to facilitate creativity, collaboration, and sharing among users. Web 2.0 allows: Global conversations Knowledge production Many tools to do it for you; wikis, blogs, file sharing (you don’t need to be an expert) Ning, Myspace, Facebook Web 3.0 tools allow organisation and sharing of your web sites and tools: de.lici.ous diig Flickr
get into flexible learning “I have never been especially impressed by the heroics of people who are convinced they are about to change the world. I am more awed by those who struggle to make one small difference after another.” Ellen GoodmanEllen Goodman, American Journalist & Author, (1941-)
get into flexible learning E-Learning – What do you need to consider? What is the course? Who are your learners? Why use e-learning? What is your proposed solution? What blend of e-learning tools and on-line support will you use? What assessment methods will you use?
get into flexible learning E-Learning – What do you need to consider? Do you have? Management support IT Staff support ICT Infrastructure - bandwidth, firewalls sorted, hardware & software
get into flexible learning Planning E-Learning Key components: Content, Activities, Support, Assessment based on “Designing e-Learning” site:
get into flexible learning Content Content Construction Ready made: AFLF products (Toolboxes, Learning Object Repository Network – LORN, many others)ToolboxesLORN Ready made: other sources (MERLOT, Podomatic, YouTube, TeacherTube, Slideshare)MERLOTPodomatic YouTubeTeacherTubeSlideshare DIY content (ARED, Hot Potatoes, own web pages, digital stories, podcasts)Hot Potatoes Content format: Web based (need Internet) CD/DVD (don’t need Internet) Planning E-Learning Key components: Content, Activities, Support, Assessment
get into flexible learning Activities Synchronous Virtual Classroom Chat rooms Asynchronous Discussion forums Set program of Study in LMS Blogs & Wikis Podcasting Planning E-Learning Key components: Content, Activities, Support, Assessment
get into flexible learning Support , SMS, telephone Learning Management System - LMS (WebCT/Blackboard, Moodle)WebCT/BlackboardMoodle Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate, Centra, Skype)Elluminate Combine LMS & Virtual Conferencing Elluminate link from Moodle/Blackboard. Elluminate Bridge for Moodle & Blackboard Building Block Blogs, wikis, discussion, chat Planning E-Learning Key components: Content, Activities, Support, Assessment
get into flexible learning Assessment Text (links from LMS) Quizzes within LMS DIY & import to LMS (eg. ARED) Ready made & import to LMS (LORN, Toolbox or other source) Planning E-Learning Key components: Content, Activities, Support, Assessment
get into flexible learning Search for ready-made content: Australia Australian Flexible Learning Framework: Toolboxes - Learning Object Repository Network (LORN) Designing E-Learning: International MERLOT -
get into flexible learning Search for ready-made content: YouTube: Teachertube: Podomatic: Virtual field tripsSearch Google Web 2.0 tools & sites Classroom 2.0http:// Ninghttp:// Web 2.0 tools: Web 3.0 tools & sites Slidesharehttp:// Flickrhttp:// Frapprhttp:// de-lici-ous
get into flexible learning Search for ready-made content: E-tools & tips Website 2007 Wikis and Blogs - Tools for learning Moblogs (Images, Audio and Video) Podcasting - Stop, look and listen Virtual Worlds Frappr, and Flickr (Social Bookmarking) Personal Learning Spaces (ispaces and third places) Digital Storytelling Video in E-Learning
get into flexible learning Search for ready-made content: E-gems 2008 RPL: one goal - many solutions Creating learning sequences with Toolbox resources: What is LORN and how can it help me? e-Portfolios - Managing Learner Information Copyright: not as scary as you think! (Using the Copyright Kitchen) Mashups - Using Web 2.0 tools to create spaces for learning Packaging learning objects in 3 easy steps
get into flexible learning Subscribe to Flex-e-News: Have some fun: The internet can seem overwhelming but it is a great place to find resources; Have a look at this one for Aged Care: My generation! Wordle Contact: