A RMSTRONG W IRES E NGINEERS With a perfect amalgam of the latest innovative technologies and technically skilled manpower, we, at Armstrong Wires Engineers Pvt. Ltd., introduce ourselves as a leading manufacturer and exporter of high quality Concertina Wire for various purposes. Our portfolio of products includes Concertina Wire, Razor Wire, Punched Tape Concertina Coils (PTCC), Barbed Tape Concertina (BTC) and Reinforced Barbed Tape (RBT). We receive accolades for our superior quality from our domestic and international clients.Armstrong Wires Engineers Pvt. Ltd
O UR P RODUCTS : Concertina Wire Razor Wire Punched Tape Concertina Coil (PTCC) Barbed Tape Concertina (BTC) Reinforced Barbed Tape (RBT) Barbed Wire Chain Link
C ONCERTINA W IRE : Concertina CoilConcertina Coil is round in shape, and in a form of a spring, It is made up of spirals which can be stretched to form a Dense Barrier only if it is made up of high Tensile Wire an the Coil Should have standard 50 Spirals. Concertina Coil comes in various diameters like : 500mm, 610mm, 750mm, 1000mm and 1050mm and the cost of the product determines to the level of Zinc Coating on it and Number of Spirals.
R AZOR W IRE Concertina Coils/Concertina Wire is also known as Razor wire Outside Indian Territory because it has sharp blades all around the Coil like Razors.Razor wire Armstrong Wires is extensively Exporting Razor wire to Many Countries Worldwide due to its good Quality. We are the Only Company in the Indian Region to Manufacture razor wire in Stainless steel Grade.
P UNCHED T APE C ONCERTINA C OIL (PTCC) Punched Tape Concertina CoilPunched Tape Concertina Coil (PTCC) - Official Name of the product in India is PTCC coils as per the Ministry of Defence India.
B ARBED T APE C ONCERTINA (BTC) Barbed Tape Concertina Barbed Tape Concertina (BTC)- According to European Standards Concertina Coil is known as BTC (Barbed Tape Concertina). Armstrong Wires & Engineers P Limited is the only Company manufacturing Stainless Steel Concertina Coils in India. We believe in Quality and use High Tensile Materials.
R EINFORCED B ARBED T APE (RBT) Reinforced Barbed Tape Reinforced Barbed Tape (RBT) straight version of the Concertina wire is known as RBT. This is required to hold the Concertina Coil to Angles. RBT should be made out of high tensile materials to attain its high resistance to breaking loads.
B ARBED W IRE Conventional fencing used for low protection zones like Open Lands We are manufacturing Hot Dipped ( very necessary ) Zinc coated Barbed Wire. Common gauges being manufactured are 12x12, 14x14. Cost of Barbed Wire is determined If it is Hot Dipped 99% Barbed Wire that We See in the market is Electro Galvanized ( Silver polished Material) therefore it Catches Rust Very Soon.Barbed Wire
C HAIN L INK Chain Link Chain Link Fence is the most commonly used product to cover where a Brick or Stone wall cannot be made. Armstrong Chain Link Fence is heavily Zinc coated. since Heavy Coating on the Wire Determines the Life of the fence. Common Sizes in Production. are 50x50x3mm, 50x50x4mm, 65x65x3, 4, 5mm, 75x75x3, 4, 5mm.
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