Road to Independence
Slavery Native Indians were the 1 st slaves of the Spanish Native Indians were the 1 st slaves of the Spanish Replaced by African slaves when the population decreased due to disease, famine and warfare Replaced by African slaves when the population decreased due to disease, famine and warfare
Slavery Why they were needed Why they were needed –Spanish were LAZY –Work in Sugarcane production –Mining –Cheap Labor
Slavery For about 300 years businesses depended on slavery For about 300 years businesses depended on slavery Around the 1800s when countries began to gain their freedom they ended slavery Around the 1800s when countries began to gain their freedom they ended slavery
Latin America Today Effects today Effects today –Mulattoes: people of both African and European ancestry –Most of the wealth was sent back to Europe so many of Latin America’s countries are poor today
Important People in Latin America Toussaint L’Ouverture Toussaint L’Ouverture –Slave –Led a slave revolt –Overthrew the French and helped Haiti gain independence –Was imprisoned by Napoleon and died of neglect
Important People in Latin America Miguel Hidalgo Miguel Hidalgo –Priest –Born in Mexico –Known as the “Father of Mexican Independence” –Led an army of common villagers in a revolt against the Spanish –Spanish captured, tried and executed him –11 years later followers gained independence for Mexico
Important People in Latin America Simon Bolivar Simon Bolivar –Born to wealth in Venezuela –Was a patriot who led other patriots –Known as the “Liberator of South America” –Led many countries to independence including Venezuela Bolivia Panama Columbia Ecuador Peru