Module 6: Close Sales
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Modules DateTopic Mar 9Kick Off Mar 16Prospecting, Gatekeepers, and Pre-Qualification Mar 23Probing & Discovery Mar 30Identify Needs Apr 6Build Problem Apr 13 20Present Solution Apr 20 27Close Sales Apr 27 May 4Objection Handling May 4 11Wrap Up
Understanding Closing Techniques No magic words to guarantee that you make the sale Start by – Identify needs – Demonstrate solution
Closing Techniques
Opinions Count Adding the phrase “in your opinion...” to a question softens the reply if the customer has an objection. “In your opinion, will this solve your problem?” If the customer says no, it's an opinion, not a fact, and you can address his concern. This is a great trial close to use as the sales cycle progresses so that you don't encounter any surprises when it's time to wrap up the deal.
Sharp Angle Close When the customer asks for a concession, whether it is price, delivery or additional features, respond by asking, “If I can do that for you today, will you sign a purchase order?” This is an important closing question – if you agree without asking for close, then the customer has an open door to continue asking for concessions
Assumptive Close If you have an established relationship with the customer and he respects your judgment, jot down the items he is considering on an order form as you are discussing his needs. When the timing is right, put an X on the signature line, hand it to the customer and say, “Here.” Then be quiet.
Something for Nothing A free add-on may be gimmicky, but it can work if handled correctly. “I happen to have a free video offer right now. If you sign off on the order today, I'll throw it in at no charge.”
Ben Franklin Ben Franklin is said to have made decisions by creating a list with two columns – the pros and the cons – and basing his choice on the longer column. This approach works well with analytical personalities. If you use it as a closing technique, just be sure you have a lot of benefits in the customer's "pro" column.
The Porcupine You must be careful stroking a porcupine and you must also be careful answering customer questions. When your prospect asks a question like “Does it include a video?” answer by tossing back the question: “Would you like it to include a video?” Her answer will give you a measure of the depth of her interest and help you adjust your presentation appropriately.
Impending Event If you truly have a deadline or reason for the customer to make a quick decision, the impending event closing works well. “I have my web designer available right now to get started. Can we schedule a call with you?” If the deadline is in your interest and not the customer's, it will be seen as self-serving and will not work.
Solicit Objections If you have gone through the discovery phase of the sales cycle and are confident that the customer understands that your product or service addresses her needs, then ask for the sale by asking for an objection. "Is there any reason why we can't get your campaign started today?" This oblique approach allows the customer to raise any final objections -- if she has one -- without saying no to the sale.
Level With Me As you approach the end of the selling process and the customer says he wants to think about it, ask him to get to the point: “Level with me. Have I failed to show you the value that you will receive from your investment?” Then be quiet.
Direct Close When you have addressed the customer's concerns and you are confident that she knows the value of your service, then pose the question directly, "So, Mary, ready to start your campaign?" Use this closed-ended, yes-or-no question only if you are very confident that the answer will be affirmative.
Closing Questions
Would You Like this Option or that Option? The worst thing a sales professional can do is give the client the chance to refuse the sale. If your service comes with options, ask the client which option he wants. It helps the client envision product ownership.
What Do You Think? This is a question that a sales professional must ask frequently during the selling process. It not only helps you determine the objections on the customer's mind, but it also keeps the customer engaged in thinking about buying the product. For example, after you show the client a service feature that satisfies one of her primary needs, ask the client what she thinks about that feature. It keeps the client engaged in the conversation and gets the client to say positive things about the product.
Do You Have Any Questions? Do not assume that your explanation of any process or feature is perfect. Always ask the client if he has any questions either at various points throughout the presentation or immediately after you have explained an important point about the product. For example, after explaining the warranty, ask the client if he has any questions about the warranty services. Giving the client complete information helps create a positive image of the product in his mind.
Do You Require this Functionality or That? To get the customer interested in your product, ask questions that start fitting your product into the customer's needs. Rather than asking an open-ended question that invites comparisons to other products, use this question and keep the focus on your product. Multiple functionality situations can help the client to see even more value in the product. For example, if a client is looking for a computer that can play high-end games and edit videos, and the computer you are showing her does both, then you have pushed the client closer to saying "yes" to the product.
Do You See a Benefit to That? The sales process is a series of questions that gets the customer emotionally involved in owning the product. One of the most important elements of closing a sale is to get the customer to say "yes" and give positive responses to questions as much as possible.