Added value - of self-assessment for the quality of public organisations' performance Logo of the organisation 6th European CAF Event Rome, 14 november 2014 Even Fossum Svendsen Deputy Director Education Nord-Trøndelag County Administration Norway
Culture for quality Logo of the organisation Since 2006, the awareness and climate for assessment have changed tremendously Today, the schools are developed and managed by facts and numbers Organisational knowledge Widespread knowledge of quality tools/CAF «Out of school-activity» Internal Quality Conference CAF is fun!
Involvement of people Logo of the organisation Investigating strengths and weaknesses SAG is the «quality advisers» of the school Prioritising challenges Participation in change processes Following up actions Building accountability Top down and bottom up
Better overview over strenghts, challenges and prioritised actions Logo of the organisation
Identified challenges (all schools 2014) VS planned actions ChallengesActions
Logo of the organisation Our results
Logo of the organisation Our results