THE TRUTH ABOUT MARIJUANA Presentation for College Freshmen Regarding Marijuana Kimberly Loliva, Erin Rosaasen Lacie McCall, Kristin Skelton Ch. #26, Illegal Drugs, Lesson #3
DRUG DEFINITIONS Definitions Drug Drug Use Drug Misuse Drug Abuse Marijuana Hashish Hashish Oil
Drug Any substance, natural or artificial, other than food, that by its chemical nature alters structure or function in the living organism.
Drug Use The use of any of these substances
Drug Misuse The use of a non-prescription drug or substances for purposes other than those intended by the manufacturer. The use of prescribed drugs in greater amounts than, or for purposes other than those prescribed by a physician.
Drug Abuse The use of a substance in a manner, amounts, or situations such that the drug use causes problems or increases the chances of problems occurring.
Marijuana Green, brown, or gray mixture of dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds and flowers of the cannabis plant Contains over 400 chemicals THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is the primary chemical Also known as pot, weed, herb, grass, Mary Jane, or chronic.
Routes of Administration Usually smoked May be used alone or combined with other substances Smoked through “joints or bongs” May be placed in food items Teas Brownies
EFFECTS ON MARIJUANA General Effects Short-Term Effects Long-Term Effects Symptoms of Overdose Effects on Learning Effects on Driving Effects on Pregnancy
General Effects When smoked: Effects felt within minutes, peaking in minutes, and lingering 2-3 hours When eaten: Effects felt within minutes, peaking 2-3 hours, and lingering 3-5 hours
Short-Term Effects Problems with memory and learning Trouble with thinking and problem solving Distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch) Increased heart rate Anxiety Increased appetite
Long-Term Effects Cancer Impairment of T-cells in lung immune defense system Lung and airway problems Daily cough and phlegm Frequent chest cold Amotivational Syndrome Lack of concern about life's consequences
Symptoms of Overdose Fatigue Paranoia Delusions Hallucinations Possible psychosis
Effects on Learning Students: Receive lower grades Are less likely to graduate from high school Score lower on standardized tests of verbal and mathematical skills Critical skills related to attention, memory, and learning are significantly impaired
Effects on Driving Marijuana may affect: Alertness The ability to concentrate Coordination Reaction time The ability to judge distance
Effects on Pregnancy Babies born to mothers who smoke during pregnancy were shorter, weighed less, and had smaller head size THC is passed to baby through breast milk Breast milk’s THC is more concentrated than that of the mother’s blood.
Medical Uses Treatment of nausea and vomiting Certain cancer treatments AIDS patients As an appetite stimulant for HIV/AIDS, cancer, and eating disorder patients Treatment of glaucoma symptoms
Potential Challenges: Statistical Graph
THE END Do you have any questions?