Republic of Kazakhstan Kim Violetta, Graduate of Kazakh National University Republic of Kazakhstan Kim Violetta, graduate of the Kazakh National University
General Information Republic of Kazakhstan Territory 2.7 mln sq km (9th place in the world) Length of borders km. Population 17,17 mln
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev- First President of Kazakhstan from December 10, 1991 to the present time
State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan NATIONAL FLAGNATIONAL EMBLEM
National currency - tenge
Capital – Astana city
Natural resources One of the principal assets of Kazakhstan - is its natural resources. Kazakhstan is ranked 6 th in the world in terms of mineral resources Mineral resources base of Kazakhstan consists of 5004 deposits, the forecasted cost of which is about 46 billion U.S. dollars
Power sources
Electricity of RK The total installed capacity of all power station in Kazakhstan is 20,000 MW and the actual capacity - 15,000 MW
Expo 2017 In November 2012 the International Exhibitions Bureau, it was decided to hold an international exhibition EXPO-2017 in Astana, the theme of the exhibition "Energy Future."
Priority sectors
Multinational companies
Cooperation between Kazakhstan and South Korea