Networks basics Your name here You’ll use this presentation for 2 lessons, and then print it. Format the presentation in your own choice of colours/font or use a design template. Don’t spend ages on that though, you’ll get marks for the quality of your answers not how many different colours you use!! Delete these instructions when you’ve read them and replace with a suitable image!
Task 1 - Network basics What are 3 advantages of having a computer network? 1.… 2.… 3.… What are 2 disadvantages of having a computer network? 1.… 2.… What does LAN stand for? Give 2 examples of a LAN network: 1.… 2.… Name:
Task 2 - What do you need for a LAN network at home? Explain the purpose of each of these in a home network: Router: Switch or Hub: Ethernet cable: Wi-fi: Network interface card: ISP: Name of an ISP: Extension question: what is the difference between a switch and a hub? Name:
Task 3 – My Home Network In this space, draw out a home network like the network diagram you saw earlier. It could be your own network at home, or an imaginary one. Make sure you include a variety of devices that might be on a home network eg laptops, TVs, games consoles, tablets, phones, etc. Show how these are connected eg by cable or wi-fi, how they connect to the main router, and to the ISP. Include the logo of your ISP if you know it. Delete these instructions once you’ve read them to make room for the diagram! Name:
Task 4 – Network topologies What is meant by a network topology? What are the 3 main network topologies? Name:
Star Network: give a brief description of this type of network here Using the images, in the space below, create a star network with 4 PCs, 2 laptops, a printer and a server. Draw lines to join the devices. Name:
Bus Network: give a brief description of this type of network here Using the images, in the space below, create a bus network with 4 PCs, 2 laptops, a printer, a server and terminators at each end (these could simply be a shape of your choice eg circle to indicate the end of the network. Draw lines to join the devices. Name:
Ring Network: give a brief description of this type of network here Using the images, in the space below, create a star network with 5 PCs, 2 laptops, a printer and a server. Draw lines to join the devices. Name:
Star network Advantages Give 2 advantages Disadvantages Give at least 2 disadvantages Name:
Bus network Advantages Give 2 advantages Disadvantages Give at least 2 disadvantages Name:
Ring network Advantages Give 2 advantages Disadvantages Give at least 2 disadvantages Name:
Wired vs Wireless Research the advantages and disadvantages of having wired or wireless connections. Put information from your research here. Delete these instructions. Wired ConnectionsWireless Connections Name: