DSMA 0399 Comments of Past Students
DSMA 0399 Student Comments “Before this class as you probably remember I would not even accept that x or y could equal a number. Now I know that with a little work it can equal many different numbers depending on what the problem is.”
DSMA 0399 Student Comments “I have never been good at math, or so I thought. I have even gone so far as to use algebra as an excuse not to further my education. In high school I failed pre-algebra…These classes changed my life. Not only do I understand algebra, but I am doing well in it. These professors have not only taught me how to understand algebra, but also to believe in myself to accomplish anything that I set my mind to.
DSMA 0399 Student Comments In elementary school, this student was told that she was too dumb to learn math – she believed this teacher and completed as little math as possible. When she finally returned to school (college this time), the fact that she had to take math almost stopped her from signing up for classes. “Being in this class has lessened my fear and I am actually more excited about math now than I have ever been in my life. The simple thought of being able to even know where to start when it comes to figuring out things when it comes to math and as it relates to my career, is more than I can ask for.”
DSMA 0399 Student Comments “This assignment made me see how useful algebra will be in my career, even though I’m in the criminal justice field. I never thought algebra is that important. Personally, and this might sound stupid, I was scared of algebra. I had to take developmental multiple times to recover the confidence that math required. But this program helped me a lot, so I’m very happy now that I can finish and move on!...You guys are the best in my statistics!”
DSMA 0399 Student Comments “After paying attention in my college algebra class I found out that algebra is all around us. It may not seem like algebra but we are doing it and it is happening all around us. So while I may have thought that I was getting away from algebra (being an English major), the end result is that I still have to deal algebra in my future (wants to be business owner). Curse you algebra! You won this one! But thanks to a couple of very knowledgeable and patient professors I win in the end.”
DSMA 0399 Student Comments “It had been 25 years since I took a math class prior to taking any type of college algebra. I never really gave any thought to the extent that algebra would play in my life. Halfway through this class and now as the end is near, I can’t help look at things around me thinking how algebra is incorporated into it.” “After our introduction to sequences, I was extremely amazed at the designs and patterns found in flowers I have not noticed before. Spending a considerable amount of time doing close up/macro nature photography, I am surprised I really missed this.” He submitted a photograph of a Four Nerve Daisy in his backyard.
DSMA 0399 Student Comments “I like the fact that I didn’t have to spend lots of time on something already learned.”
DSMA 0399 Student Comments “Before taking DSMA0399 I had no math skills. I couldn’t tell you how many inches were in a mile or even what five to the seventh power was. Now I actively seek out ways to show my math skills, almost like I’m showing off. I believe that the way this classroom operates has given me the comfort and skill level to be successful and continuing on in this way will help me get over the final hurdle that has held me back for so long.”
DSMA 0399 Student Comments “I really enjoyed the format of the DSMA0399 course. It was wonderful to move along at my own pace, but know that help is available when needed.”
DSMA 0399 Student Comments “I feel like I’ve learned more than I knew before from a simple computer program. I now feel more comfortable and confident in my math skills…I enjoy coming to class and working at my own pace. I don’t feel as rushed, but then again I work on it whenever I please to do so in my spare time.”
DSMA 0399 Student Comments “I feel that I work better with this program than if I was to sit in a traditionally taught class. I like the fact that I can work on my own while there are teachers there to help me when I get stuck. Plus there is not pressure to get it all right the first time.”
DSMA 0399 Student Comments “I’m better at working at my own pace. By taking DSMA0399 I have learned that I learn better by myself and I like that I have one- on-one with a teacher when I don’t understand the problem.”
DSMA 0399 Student Comments “I believe that my advancement in this self-paced course has been very good. These classes are neither too demanding, not too easy; they require you to challenge yourself to learn.”
DSMA 0399 Student Comments “Since I’ve been in this class, I’m actually learning the math and understand where I am weak. I am able to work on what I need to focus on until I feel that I am ready and I am able to get that one-on- one time that I need on different areas.”
DSMA 0399 Student Comments “This course is self-paced, to an extent, and I like the freedom to work faster or slower in order to really understand the concepts presented.”
DSMA 0399 Student Comments “I feel like I learn more quickly if I'm not put under so much pressure. When I was taking 301, I felt pressured in that class and felt like I was not learning well and what I did learn I was not able to remember for the test. While in the NCBO 0399 course I felt A LOT less pressured and relaxed, so the pressure that I had before was no longer there. I am more than willing to give more of my time for this class as well as effort. I really feel like this is no longer a course I want to be in, but one that I need to be in."
DSMA 0399 Student Comments “I greatly benefit from having a "noisy" lab where I can ask questions and have one on one help if needed. Math is a tough subject for me..." With the help of the instructors, "I was able to comprehend what I was learning, not only in class but in the lab. They all gave me the tools I need to be successful and spent the extra time with me to break things down to where I could understand Math.”