The Princess Sumaya University For Technology (PSUT) A National Non-profit Private University Specialized in Modern Technology, Particularly ICT.
Figures and Facts PSUT is the academic arm of the El Hassan Science City. It is owned by the Royal Scientific Society (RSS). PSUT was founded in No. of students (2009): Its full student capacity : No. of graduates up to 2009: No. of faculty members: 72. PSUT is the academic arm of the El Hassan Science City. It is owned by the Royal Scientific Society (RSS). PSUT was founded in No. of students (2009): Its full student capacity : No. of graduates up to 2009: No. of faculty members: 72.
Student Ratios Jordanian International Arab 89.7% 8.8% 1.5%
VisionVision PSUT strives to become a nucleus for a modern Jordanian and Arab Knowledge Industry, which actively animates the process of socio-economic and cultural development locally, regionally and globally. PSUT strives to become a nucleus for a modern Jordanian and Arab Knowledge Industry, which actively animates the process of socio-economic and cultural development locally, regionally and globally.
Mission and objectives PSUT aims at supplying Jordanian, Arab and Global societies with technically and scientifically qualified graduates and with solid applied research work, fulfilling the following objectives: Graduating technology elites endowed with modern technical skills, and capable of competing locally, regionally and globally, particularly in ICT and Electronics.
Mission and Objectives Building a solid research base in modern technological fields, and creating a network of experts in modern technology for modernizing industry and other productive sectors in Jordan. Building a solid research base in modern technological fields, and creating a network of experts in modern technology for modernizing industry and other productive sectors in Jordan. Playing a noticeable role in eradicating scientific and technological illiteracy in Jordan and the Arab World. Playing a noticeable role in eradicating scientific and technological illiteracy in Jordan and the Arab World. Playing a vital role in bridging the digital divide and digitally modernizing Jordanian and Arab societies. Playing a vital role in bridging the digital divide and digitally modernizing Jordanian and Arab societies.
PSUT Schools and Deanships The King Hussein School for IT. The King Abdullah II School for Electrical Engineering. The Business School. The School for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research. The Student Affairs Deanship.
The King Hussein School for IT The Computer Science Department. The Computer Science Department. The Graphics and Animation Department. The Graphics and Animation Department.
The King Abdullah II School for Electrical Engineering The Electronics Engineering Department. The Electronics Engineering Department. The Computer Engineering Department. The Computer Engineering Department. The Communication Engineering Department. The Communication Engineering Department.
The Business School The Science and Humanities Department. The Science and Humanities Department. The Management Information Systems (MIS) Department. The Management Information Systems (MIS) Department. The Environmental Management Department. The Environmental Management Department. The Business Administration Department. The Business Administration Department.
The B.Sc. Programmes Computer Science Computer Science Computer Graphics and Animation. Computer Graphics and Animation. MIS MIS Business Administration Business Administration Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Communication Engineering. Communication Engineering.
The M.Sc. Programmes Computer Science Computer Science Environmental Management. Environmental Management. Global MBA (with Lancaster University). Global MBA (with Lancaster University).
Academic Agreements PSUT has signed and implemented a number of agreements, covering students and faculty exchange, joint masters programmes, elearning, quality assurance, scientific research, and organizing international conferences, seminars and workshops, with the following universities:
Academic Agreements USA: Illinois / Urbana, UCF/Orlando, Bridgeport. USA: Illinois / Urbana, UCF/Orlando, Bridgeport. England: Lancaster, Durham, Coventry, Kent. England: Lancaster, Durham, Coventry, Kent. France: Grenoble School for Management. France: Grenoble School for Management. Belgium: Hasselt. Belgium: Hasselt. Germany: Magdeburg, Darmstadt. Germany: Magdeburg, Darmstadt. Austria: Carinthia. Austria: Carinthia. Taiwan: NCTU. Taiwan: NCTU. South Korea: ICU. South Korea: ICU. Switzerland : North Western Univ. Switzerland : North Western Univ. Canada: New Brunswick Univ. Canada: New Brunswick Univ.
Local and Multinational Companies PSUT has signed agreements with, and established incubators, labs and branches on campus for, the following local and multinational companies: Microsoft Oracle STS Sybase Sun Microsystems CISCO Rubicon Eskadinia.
Administrative Centres and Departments Administrative Affairs Department. Administrative Affairs Department. Financial Affairs Department. Financial Affairs Department. The El Hassan Library. The El Hassan Library. The Quality Assurance Bureau. The Quality Assurance Bureau. The Training and Computer Centre. The Training and Computer Centre.
Prominent Achievements PSUT has acquired a high reputation locally, regionally and internationally, despite its limited resources. PSUT has acquired a high reputation locally, regionally and internationally, despite its limited resources. There has been full employment amongst PSUT graduates for the last decade, and demand for them is increasing. There has been full employment amongst PSUT graduates for the last decade, and demand for them is increasing. In the achievement exams conducted by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, PSUT came first, amongst Jordanian universities, both public and private, more than once, In the achievement exams conducted by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, PSUT came first, amongst Jordanian universities, both public and private, more than once,
Prominent Achievements and in more than one area, including the general engineering and graduate employability tests. Our exchange students have achieved, up to date and for the last 15 years, high academic performances at the host universities. This achievement highlights the world- class level of undergraduate education PSUT has reached. PSUT has participated in a number of European educational projects, such as Medforist, and several Tempus and Erasmus Mundus projects.. PSUT, its faculty, and it students have won quite a few prestigious awards, the last, but not least, of which is The El Hassan Award for Scientific Distinction, for its developmental role in society and its academic and extra- curricular projects and progammes.
Prominent Achievements PSUT annually organizes two conferences on elearning and mobile learning called IMCL, and a pan-Arab cultural conference. It also hosts a number of scientific conferences. PSUT annually organizes two conferences on elearning and mobile learning called IMCL, and a pan-Arab cultural conference. It also hosts a number of scientific conferences. PSUT plans to launch a number of relevant masters programmes in cooperation with world- class prestigious universities, such as: a global MBA programme with Lancaster university, MIS and biomedical/ nanotechnology programmes with Hasselt university, and engineering programmes with Coventry and Bridgeport universities. PSUT plans to launch a number of relevant masters programmes in cooperation with world- class prestigious universities, such as: a global MBA programme with Lancaster university, MIS and biomedical/ nanotechnology programmes with Hasselt university, and engineering programmes with Coventry and Bridgeport universities.
Student Bodies The annually elected Student Council. The IEEE student branch. The DART entrepreneurial student club.