Paul Iulo Holds Great Interest in Photography
Paul IuloPaul Iulo is an experienced fire safety professional who has worked for Metropolitan Arts & Antiques in New York for 8 years. He supervised their security for the makeup show in Las Angeles, Chicago, Orlando FL, Dallas TX and New York. In addition, he also supervises and directs more than 15 employees and a number of security subcontractors. Besides his profession, he has a great interest in photography and enjoys it as a hobby in his leisure time. He likes to capture the moments that become a matter of past and would be impossible to reproduce.
He likes to click whatever attracts his eyes, especially while visiting new places. He has a great collection of photographs of historical and natural places. He says, “Photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place.” Photography is the best way to spend your free time. Paul says, “I have always loved to click pictures from my digital camera. It gives me great happiness and pleasure when I make focus on the petals of a flower, curves of a majestic mountain, wings of butterfly, ancient architectural design, and beautiful gardens.”
According to him, even an atheist cannot stop himself from wondering at God’s creation. Paul Iulo believes that clicking the natural elements make us feel more close to the nature, and everyone should experience it. There are many aspects that are not visible through naked eyes but are in a photograph. For instance, a beautiful sunset lasts only for a few minutes and offers a variety of shades. While clicking, a person focuses on the sun whereas a picture reveals the shades of water, sand and the surroundings too.
Thank You Paul Iulo