Alex’s Elements of Photography Alexis Mireles
Perspective This picture is perspective because it looks like they took the picture from the bottom of the tower. Owner: Werner Kunz License information: Non-Commercial Share Alike Photo Credit or URL: Werner Kunz via photopin cc
Perspective This picture is perspective because they took it from an angle of the tower. Owner: Werner Kunz License information: Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike Photo Credit or URL: Werner Kunz via photopin cc
Depth of field This picture is depth of field because the background is blurry. Owner:jjjj56cp License information: Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike Photo Credit or URL: jjjj56cp via photopin cc
Depth of Field This picture is depth of field because the background is blurry. Owner: Danny Perez License information: Attribution No Derivatives Non-Commercial Photo Credit or URL: Danny Perez Photography via photopin cc
Line This picture has line in it because your eyes get attracted from the lines of the road. Owner: Burg Tender License information: Attribution Share Alike Photo Credit or URL: BurgTender via photopin cc
Line This picture has line because the lines on the side attract your eyes all the way to the end point. Owner: Caese License information: Attribution No Derivatives Non-Commercial Photo Credit or URL: caese via photopin cc
Rule of thirds This has rule of thirds because the fireworks are lined up on a side not in the center. Owner: Stuck in customs License information: Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike Photo Credit or URL: Stuck in Customs via photopin cc
Rule of thirds This picture has rule of thirds because the owl is positioned on the right side of the picture. Owner: Vicki’s nature License information: Attribution No Derivatives Non-Commercial Photo Credit or URL: Vicki's Nature via photopin cc