Survey Training Pack Session 16 – Custom Tables in SPSS
Session Content One-way tables Two-way tables Three-way tables Multiple Response Variables in tables
Example Table
One-way Table Table showing number of percentage of households in each land classification Land classification = variable “LowlandCode” Analyse -> Tables -> Custom Tables
Custom Tables Dialog
Set Row dimension Drag LowlandCode into Row dimension
Add Percentages Choose “Summary Statistics” – then “Column N %”
Add Totals Click “Categories & Totals” Click checkbox for “Total”
Resulting Table 320 households in sample Just under 22% of households are in villages with a lowland code of 1
Multiple Response Want to find % of households with each land potential who attended each type of training Some attended both => multiple response
Create MR Set Need variables A2 & A5 => multiple response set Analyse -> Tables -> Multiple response sets “Add” to save
MR set in Custom Tables Drag “$trainingtype” to Column dimension
Column % vs Row % Column % Of HHs who attended PLAR training 25.3% were in villages with a lowland code of 1 Row % Of HHs in villages with a lowland code of 1, 71.4% attended PLAR training We need Row % in this instance
Three-way table Add “Sex of Respondent” to Custom Table Drag to Column, below “Type of training”
Resulting Table Gives us remaining results to complete our table
Transcribe results Three tables in SPSS output => one table in Analysis Plan Take care when transcribing – copy & paste where possible Ask colleague to check results for quality control
Resulting Syntax