Plaza de España (Sevilla) Sevilla is the capital of Andalucía. in XVI and XVII centuries it was the richiest city in Europe because only it has the right to make comerce with America
the muslims were in Spain between 711 until 1492 in 1492 the Christians conquered the last muslim kingdom: Granada La Alhambra was the palace-fortress of the muslims kings of Granada it’s full of mosaics, fountains and gardens. La Alhambra (Granada)
Mezquita-Catedral (Córdoba) this was the Big Mosque of Córdoba when it was muslim the Christians reconquered the city and changed it into a cathedral it has 850 columns like palm trees to create an “oasis in the desert”
Río Tinto (Huelva) Río Tinto means Red River the colour is natural due to the minerals in the area (no human polution NASA has studied this river because the microorganisms found here could survive on Mars
Costa del Sol (Málaga) the coast of Málaga is called Costa del Sol which means Coast of the Sun it has more than 300 days of sun per year it is full of tourists all year
Caminito del Rey (Málaga) the Caminito del Rey is a natural path hight up in a cliff (it means: Little way of the King) it has a height of 100 metres it is one of the most difficult paths in Europe it is forbidden to walk the Caminito and if police catch you, you must pay a fine of euros dispite this fact many people try
La Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia) it is a narrow strip of sand between Salad Lake (Mar Menor, meaning Little Sea) and the Mediterean Sea in the Mar Menor you can practice a lot of sports
Pico del Teide (Isla de Tenerife, Islas Canarias) the Canary Islands are 7 big and 6 little Spanish islands on the coast of Africa they all have volcanic origins the Teide is the highest mountain in Spain (3.718 m above sea level) it was also a volcano
Ávila Ávila is the highest capital of a province in Europe(1131 m above sea level) it has a very harsh climate it is very famous because of its medieval centre
Universidad de Salamanca the University of Salamanca was created in 1218 it is the oldest University in Spain and the 4th oldest in Europe today Salamanca is one of the most populated student cities of Spain: students
Catedral de Burgos Burgos is a very cold city its cathedral is gothic it was one of the most important comercial cities in Western Europe during Medieval times
Acueducto de Segovia Spain is the territory of the ancient roman province of Hispania Spanish comes from Latin the Romans created a lot of cities and build a lot of monuments, like this aqueduct
Plaza Mayor (Madrid) Madrid is the capital of Spain since 1561 the metropolitan area has inhabitants and is the third most populated city of Europe Plaza Mayor means Biggest Square every important Spanish city has a square like this one
Cabo de Finisterre (Galicia) Finisterre comes from Finis Terrae (“the end of the Earth” in Latin) the romans thought that it was the last land and that beyond the horizon there was an abyss
Sagrada Familia (Barcelona) Barcelona is the second most populated city in Spain ( people) Sagrada Familia is the main project of the modernist architect Antonio Gaudí construction started in 1882 and it will be finisehd in 2026
Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias (Valencia) it means the City of the Arts and Sciences it is a museum, aquarium, theater and researching centre
Ciudad Imperial de Toledo Toledo was the first capital of Spain in the medieval time it was a city with three cultures: Christians, Muslims and Jews lived together and shared their cultures
Molinos de viento (La Mancha) Cervantes didn’t say where the Don Quixote was born, but for sure Don Quixote fought against these mills (he thought they were giants)
Teatro romano de Mérida Mérida comes from Emerita Augusta and was a city for retired Roman soldiers they had everything: baths, markets, temples and a theatre like this
Plaza del Obradoiro (Santiago de Compostela) in 921the body of Saint James was found in Santiago de Compostela and after that a lot of pilgrims started to come here the walking route to Santiago de Compostela is called The Way of Saint James and every year pilgrims arrive at Santiago at Plaza del Obradoiro you can find the Cathedral and the Hostal de los Reyes Católicos (the oldest hotel in the world)