Welcome to Health Class! Ms. Rujawitz – Health Room 273
Classroom Rules Please be on time and in your seat when the class period begins. Please ask for permission to leave your seat and wait until you are dismissed by the teacher. Please do not talk during class time unless you are called upon or have permission to talk. Raise your hand. Show kindness and respect to all people and things in the classroom. Disrespect will NOT be tolerated!
Classroom Rules cont. Anyone cheating will receive a zero grade for that work. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will be notified and a meeting may be set up. Healthy snacks, gum, and water are allowed in class but no soda, candy, chips, etc. (Nothing with nuts in it-allergies.) Students must throw gum away before they leave if moving to another class that does not allow gum. Cell phones must be turned OFF and out of sight at all times during class. (Unless notified otherwise)
Consequences 1. Verbal Warning (Only 1) 2. Pink Slip to complete in hallway and remain after class to discuss behavior with the teacher 3. Parent phone call to discuss behavior 4. Referral to principal’s office or assignment of lunch or after school detention *** If a substitute writes your name down for any negative behavior it will result in an automatic after school detention when I return. *** NOTE: Order of consequences may be omitted, by the teacher, at any time depending on the behavior of the student.
Course Description Health education includes a study of the human body and how it functions and is affected by heredity, environment, and lifestyle habits. Emphasis is placed on the “wellness” concept and development of the total person—physically, mentally, and socially.
Goals for the Class – You will: Develop an appreciation of how you function physically, mentally, and socially so that you will be able to maintain and improve the quality of your life. Improve your ability to make proper decisions concerning matters that affect your overall health and wellness. Improve your critical thinking, particularly in areas affecting your personal wellness. Be encouraged to use your knowledge and talents to help others in our society and be an advocate.
Grading Scale: 1. Unit tests 2. Quizzes 3. In-class assignments or group work 4. Homework The grading scale is based on 100% and is strictly calculated by points A = 90 – 100% B = % C = % D = 60 – 69% F = 59% or below
Health Topics 6 th Grade: Internet Safety Violence Prevention Food Safety Reproductive System 7 th Grade: Nutrition Eating Disorders Tobacco 8 th Grade: Alcohol Other Drugs Mental Illness
Learning Activities Guided Notes Discussions Group Work Scenarios Video Clips Etc.
What do I need for class? Loose leaf paper (about 20 pages) Folder (for ONLY health materials) Writing Utensil Planner You will need these supplies EVERY DAY of class!
Make-Up Procedures If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to obtain the information from another student and to clarify that information with the teacher. If you are absent the day of a test, you should be prepared to take the test the following day (the day of your return). If you are absent for several days and you miss a test, contact the teacher upon your return to set up a time to take a make-up test. The test should be made up as soon as possible and at least before the next unit test. (Before school, after school, during lunch)
Late Work Policy Most late work will be accepted, UP UNTIL THE DATE OF THE QUIZ/TEST over that particular unit. After the quiz/test has been taken, outstanding class work or homework for that particular unit will no longer be accepted. ALL late work will receive a deduction in points due to failure to meet the due date (student responsibility).
What to do if you miss class For ANY reason, including, but not limited to: illness, field trip, doctor appointment etc. 1. Go to Ms. Rujawitz’s Homework Website Click on the ‘Select a School’ button & choose Wydown Middle School Click on WMS Staff Click on “Rujawitz, Natalee”
Then… do ALL of the following: - Click on YOUR GRADE LEVEL’S homework link -Check for any assignments that are due, any extra credit opportunities, or upcoming quiz/test announcements -You should have a “go-to buddy” that you can borrow and copy notes from at the very beginning of class. -Still check in with me (either before school, at lunch, or before class begins) to get any handouts or about scheduling a time to make up work if needed.
I am here to HELP you learn! I usually arrive at Wydown between 8:00am-8:15am – if you need to meet me earlier you will need to see me to make an appointment. I am often here until 3:30 or after – if you need to meet, let me know ahead of time. My desk is located in the Health Classroom (Room 273). I am willing to set up study sessions (during lunch or after school), if enough students are interested. Simply let me know, as we approach quiz/test dates.