BUSINESS PLAN A Idea for Success in Today’s Economy
Green Liquidz
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY It is in the Pipeline to commence a novel business proposal, replicas of which already exist in the current market But they are in the least organized form They form a part of the Disorganized sector.
The Idea is to basically station mobile juice centre's across the vital points of the city, which shall only provide vegetable and fruit juices in the morning. It should revolutionalize the sector of fruit and vegetable based health drinks.
Basic objective is to provide them good quality Juices& Breakfast at cheaper rates.
General Description Of our Business It is a partnership venture, wherein all three are equal partners X Y Z SHAKERS & EATERS is the name of our fast food moving van.
PRODUCT & SERVICE Morning walk Juices Karela Palak Awala Nimbu Dudhi Kharbuja Banana Jamum(sesonal)
SERVICES Quick Service Flexible Ingredients
MARKETING PLANS “Always find ways to differentiate our product and see how we can establish our brand in a unique way". SHAKERS & EATERS marketing strategy is about comprehending the consumer insight, coupled with a genuine consumer need and unique product. SHAKERS & EATERS focused on customer service imperatives to drive penetration
Basically various pamphlets will be distributed amongst customers. ATITHI DEVO BH AVA will be our Tag line to attract them Prime location opposite church gate subway & Nariman Point will be our Flag ship
Our marketing strategy will be based on three A's - Availability, Affordability and Acceptability. The first 'A' - Availability emphasized on the availability of the product to the customer; the second 'A' - Affordability focused on product pricing, and the third 'A'- Acceptability focused on convincing the customer to buy the product
INVESTMENT Second hand modified Van(Rent) – License –Municipal & commerical Various utensils for cooking – Juicers, ovens, Hot plates & refrigerator - 2 lacs
Inventory & Raw materials Groceries & fresh fruits & vegetable from byculla vegetable Market. various spices & other ingredients (oil, butter etc) from wholesale market Paper plates, spoons & thermocol cups & and tissue papers,
Calculations of profits & cost Cost & Expenses Vegetables & mths Fuel & mths Wages for 2 cooks & 4 mths Other mths Income & gains Income from business
FUTURE PLANS To take orders for Marriages & parties. To increase more fast moving food vans To take business to next level by having comfort sittings on fast food vans (double Decker)
THE END !!!!!! Thank YOU!!!