Mr. Vehlewald – a.k.a. “Mr. V” Mr. Vehlewald – a.k.a “Mr. V” Back to school presentation
My background This is my 10 th year at Academy Endeavour Education: Northern Arizona University - Journalism for Advertising University of Phoenix Masters Degree Elementary Education My previous careers: Advertising industry agency media buyer / planner Radio station promotions / marketing Manager of a software development and product marketing group at the former MCI, (now Verizon). My interests are photography, reading, hiking/camping, seasoned river guide, traveler and volunteering my time at the Rock Ledge Ranch Historic Site in Garden of the Gods, (V. P. of the Living History Association)
My teaching style O My teaching style involves students in the lesson by connecting concepts to real world examples, activities and supporting work (classroom and homework). O The goal is to teach students critical thinking and problem solving skills planning and time management skills how to research and evaluate information. The goal is to teach students O critical thinking and problem solving skills O planning and time management skills O how to research and evaluate information
4 th Grade Team O Katie Robinson O Megan Larsen O Deb Smith O Scott Vehlewald O Contact me: O O O Send a note using the planner, or schedule a time to meet
Classroom website O Updated weekly O Includes: O Calendar will show upcoming events, days off, or other important reminders O An overview of what we’re working on in each subject O Homework assignments
Grading O Standards-Based report card based upon the Common Core Standards O Use of rubrics to set students’ expectation for achieving their grade O Student can correct their work to improve their score to a Meet’s only O Letter grades are figured out from the following chart
Homework O Homework allows students to practice concepts and skills being covered in class as well as to prepare them for upcoming lessons or assessments. O O Students will have up to 40 minutes of homework each night. O 20 minutes for reading O 20 minutes for subject related practice problems O If your child really struggles with an assignment, please let me know so I can work with them more in class or during ASTRO club.
Planners and Monday Folders O Planners will be filled out on Friday afternoons. Check them and sign them nightly because additional work may be added throughout the week. O Monday folders include graded assignments and information that may need to be returned. Please check these weekly and sign and return them to class no later than Thursday
Classroom Management O REACH (Respect, Effort, Attitude, Citizenship, Honesty) O Tickets are used to recognize students for using these skills in their interactions with students and staff. Tickets for Star Card rewards. O Think it Through will be used after a student repeats the same behavior three times O it is not punishment, but an opportunity for a student to reflect on their actions and to think of better choices. O I will call you to discuss the situation before sending a Think it Through home.
Snacks and Celebrations O Your child is can bring a mid-morning snack to “refuel” that can be eaten in about minutes. Water bottles with an easy to close lid are welcomed. O Please review page 14 of the Parent Handbook: O Birthday Treats O We will no longer allow birthday food treats school wide. Please do not send flowers, balloons, etc., to your students at school. Any deliveries of such will be held in the office for the student to pick up after school. O Birthday invitations: need to be handed out to all boys or all girls while at school. Or hand out after school. O Holiday parties: Parent volunteers are welcomed. Please coordinate treats / snacks with me. NO PEANUTS OR TREE NUTS / SHELL FISH BECAUSE OF ALLERGIES.
Please remember O To sign up for a “Get to Know You” Conference time tomorrow O Literacy testing times will be given out at these conferences, so you can have a chance to make arrangements O Volunteers: You need to complete CBI and AEES training. O Parties O Helping in the classroom O Volunteering for field trips O Training: Aug. 27th 8:30 - 9:00 am O Aug 28th 3:35 - 4:00 pm O Please return all forms in your parent packet O Number’s system for pick-up: if confused about this, please ask.
Thank you! O Thank you for sharing your child with me this year. I look forward to working with you and your child to make this a successful year.