Kristin Blom Кристин Блом Campaigns Officer Специалист по организации кампаний International Trade Union Confederation Международная конфедерация профсоюзов
The PlayFair Campaign Кампания «Играй честно» Campaigning on workers’ rights in the global sporting goods industry Проведение кампании за права работников в мировой индустрии спортивных товаров
The PlayFair alliance Альянс «Играй честно»
History История Started in 2003 / Начало в 2003 году 2004 Athens / Афины 2008 Beijing / Пекин 2010 South Africa / 2012 London / Лондон 2012 Ukraine/Poland Brazil Russia 2018 Qatar
Олимпийские Игры – это самая эффективная в мире платформа для корпоративного маркетинга, охватывающая миллиарды людей в более чем 200 странах и регионах по всему миру.
Textile: Supply chains – no matter where they are
Construction: Conditions for local workers
Olympics Athens 2004
Olympics Beijing 2008
WC South Africa 2010
Olympics London 2012
What we want International & national sporting bodies to take responsibility for workers’ rights Include workers’ rights in the host city contracts Host organisations to work with unions for the good of the workers
Companies and their suppliers that market licensed goods to respect international labour standards, Codes of Conducts and national legislation Respect for workers’ rights in the construction sector in relation to these games
Who are we targeting? International sporting bodies (IOC, FIFA, UEFA etc.) National sporting bodies Companies procucing and selling sporting goods and sportswear
Suppliers in the textile industry Enterprises involved in construction for these global events Enterprises providing services during the games Governments
How can you help the International campaign? Research on the ground Alert us when you see misbehaviour and broken agreements Upholding of agreements
Report to us on the general state in the country, but also specific problems Refer to the Play Fair campaign and reports, meetings, etc., when talking to the brands and the suppliers Building a national pressure, e.g., media, national sports authorities, etc.
How can the International Campaign help you? Contacts and meetings with brands and suppliers Pressure brands and suppliers from our side Help integrating national context in the international agreements
Put pressure on employers/brands through international media and lobbying Link your situation to a global perspective Provide tools that can help organising and direct union work in your country