Founders of Sociology
Auguste Comte Positivism(the belief that knowledge should be derived from scientific observation Social statics(the study of social stability and order) Social dynamics (the study of social change) Positive Philosophy
Karl Marx Bourgeoisie(class owning the means for producing wealth) Capitalist (person who owns or controls the means for producing wealth) Proletariat(working class; those who labor for the bourgeoisie) Class conflict ( the ongoing struggle between the bourgeoisie (owners) and the proletariat (working) class)
Emile Durkheim Emile Durkheim Mechanical solidarity (social dependency based on a widespread consensus of values and beliefs enforced by conformity and dependence on tradition and family) Organic solidarity (social interdependency based on a high degree of specialization in roles
Max Weber Verstehen(understanding social behavior by putting yourself in the place of others) Rationalization(the mindset emphasizing knowledge, reason, and planning)
Harriet Martineau Poor health Economic failure Translation of Comte’s work Society in America believed that women lacked economic power which kept them dependent on men
Herbert Spencer Social Darwinism thought that evolutionary social change led to progress
W.E.B. Du Bois Pursuit of social justice Race, urban, and gender studies
Jane Addams Hull House (Chicago) House which provided services to poor immigrant families. Noble Piece Prize Social Reformer and peace activist