Clark County School District
Mike Barton Chief Student Achievement Officer
Shifting Talent AB 483: Pay-for-Performance Zoom Schools Incentives Victory Schools Incentives SB 511 Incentives
Pay-For-Performance History Pay-for-Performance was conformed to law in the 78 th Legislative Session. The Pay-for-Performance Committee began work in January The committee consisted of school administrators, teachers, business partners, and Board of School Trustee members who met for eight sessions and formulated potential business rules. The Pay-for-Performance work occurred alongside the creation of the Return-on-Investment (ROI) Dashboard to reward schools for performance and efficiency.
How Do The Funds Flow? Enhance school academic performance Attract and retain talent in high-need schools
Pay-for-Performance Eligibility Free and Reduced Lunch at 75% 97 Schools Zoom Elementary Schools School Year Schools School Year Schools Zoom Middle Schools School Year 2015 – Schools School Year 2016 – Schools Exited Turnaround Schools School Year 2016 – 2017 – 3 Schools Allocated General Funds - $500,000
School Performance Dashboard (R.O.I.)
Purpose and Meaning Efficiency More money devoted to top-performers Equitable distribution among administrators and licensed personnel Student achievement improvement Positive culture and climate School success Continuous improvement
SB 405: Zoom Recruitment and Retention
SB 432: Victory Schools Teacher Recruitment and Retention Plan Victory School Principals met to discuss recruitment and retention pay. Principals should have the autonomy to select a specific amount for their site based on uniformity and consistency between all Victory schools. This flexibility is necessary to accommodate the wide range of budgetary means among Victory Schools and/or each respective schools’ teacher needs. Agreement was reached on three (3) retention and recruitment categories for effective and highly effective teachers.
Victory School Teacher Recruitment and Retention Categories Category 1$ $1, All effective/highly effective licensed teachers (Pre-K – 12) at all Victory Schools. Category 2$ $3, All effective/highly effective licensed teachers (Pre-K – 12) at all Victory Schools in the following categories: Special Education and Gate.
Victory School Teacher Recruitment and Retention Categories Category 3$ $1, ELL(K – 12) English/ELA(6 – 12) Math(6 – 12) Science(6 – 12) Self-Contained (Pre-K–12) Social Studies(6 – 12) Unique Positions (Pre-K –12) Unique positions may apply to positions for curricular programming that may be difficult to fill due to unusual qualifications e.g. Chinese, Latin, Robotics, and special certifications.
Licensed Classroom Voluntary Transfers Type of schoolEvent to as of 5/5/ to as of 5/3/16 Transfers Transfers New Hires with No Experience Total transfers PZ 14/Turnaround Transfer out of zone63615 ZoomTransfer out89563 ZoomTo Victory1061 VictoryTransfer out96430 VictoryTo Zoom890 Neither Zoom nor VictoryTo Zoom59546 Neither Zoom nor VictoryTo Victory53581 Title I (Tier 1, 2 and 3)Transfer out Title I (Tier 1, 2 and 3)Transfer in
Victory Schools Talent Recruitment and Retention Plan Administrator Recruitment and Retention Incentives: $111,000 Principals: $5,000 Assistant Principals: $3,000
Victory Schools Talent Recruitment and Retention Plan Teachers Estimated Total for Recruitment and Retention Incentives: $1,081,700 Administrators Estimated Total for Recruitment and Retention Incentives: $159, Principals: $5,000 Assistant Principals: $3,000
Licensed Teacher Recruitment Status Mike Gentry Co-Interim Chief Human Resources Officer
CLASSROOM VACANCIES School Year First Day of School Non-Title I Classroom Vacancies Title I Total Title I Classroom Vacancies Total Classroom Vacancies Title I Title I and Zoom* Title I and Victory** /24/ /25/ /26/ *Zoom designation new **Victory designation new
HITS 9/1/15 TO 4/30/16 Recruitment Strategies
Overview Hits 9/1/15 TO 4/30/16
Recruitment Strategies Online Applications 9/1/15 TO 4/30/16
Applicant Status Licensed classroom openings : 960 Applications Last 12 months = 8,115 Last 9 months = 5,213 Last 6 months = 4,012 Focus on most recent 2,000 applications first High needs: Elementary = 415 (358) English = 125 (49) Special Ed = 122 (307) Science = 70 (59) Math = 56 (55)
Licensed Teacher Recruitment Status Andre Long Co-Interim Chief Human Resources Officer
SB 511 Incentives $5000 total incentive to work in a Title 1, Tier 1 and Tier 2 for those hired new into the District. School year $250 per paycheck. School year $2500 per semester provided professional development is completed. Results Helps to attract out-of-district candidates to our most at-risk schools. Assists but does not resolve our lack of a relocation package when paid in a larger amount.
Professional Salary Table Focuses on professional development activities for individual growth. Creates ownership for improving instruction. Provides a strong recruitment tool for Out-Of-District candidates. No one takes a salary cut. Establishes a competitive starting salary. Higher starting salary if candidate chooses to work in a Zoom or Victory school due to additional incentives.
April 2016: First Transfer Period 147 internal transfers from a Non-Title 1 school to a Title 1 school 565 internal transfers from a Title 1 school to another Title 1 school 120 new hires to Title 1 schools * Primarily teachers with some experience Flexibility Teacher engagement External candidates often comment how they appreciate the ability to choose a school where they believe they will have impact Retention
Providing Support
Franchise Principal Program Piloted during Expansion with a secondary franchise Franchise Schools
Peer Assistance Review (P.A.R.) 220 first -year teachers received P.A.R. support 45 recommended for second year of P.A.R. 11 Consulting Teachers coaching at 22 schools
Great Teachers and Leaders Grant Achievements Nevada Educator Performance Framework (NEPF) professional development sessions facilitated by Clark County School District and Southern Nevada Regional Professional Development: 104 Classes Number of CCSD schools represented at the professional development sessions: 123 Schools Number of teachers that participated in the NEPF professional development sessions: 2000 Teachers
Building Connections